
Why do we have this fetish?????

I had heard that fetishes develop at a young age (2-3 I believe) when the individual is at a curious or ambiguous stage in their sexuality. When someone is in this stage they may attribute a certain stimuli to be involved with or related to their sexuality and thus a fetish is created. I Hope I explained that in a way that makes sense lol.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I had heard that fetishes develop at a young age (2-3 I believe) when the individual is at a curious or ambiguous stage in their sexuality. When someone is in this stage they may attribute a certain stimuli to be involved with or related to their sexuality and thus a fetish is created. I Hope I explained that in a way that makes sense lol.

This seems spot on for me. I remember my fetish starting very young. Padding at like 5-6 and starting in this site and dimensions at about 14. It's not been until recently I've let go of the shame and guilt for my fetish. I think that society had me thinking everyone else's kinks and fantasies were okay but mine wasn't but I'm sort of over that now. I like what I like.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I think we're more or less born with our fetishes. As to why, maybe to encourage genetic diversity?

Now that is a decent theory! I have heard the theories about fetishes developing early and as much as I think that happens to SOME people, it smacks just a bit too much of Freudian theories. Everything happens in early childhood according to the Psychodynamic perspectives!

Personally, I didn't get into fat appreciation until later in life. I was always overweight and very self-conscious about it. I knew I loved to eat and that I didn't like to diet and exercise, but I didn't like my body nor did I believe that anyone was capable of finding me attractive. At puberty, I became attracted to pregnant women, which gradually evolved over the years into a general belly fetish - I am old enough that most of my early years were pre-internet (Gasp, I know - hard to believe I am sure! Didn't the internet always exist?) It wasn't until my late 30's that I discovered stuffing videos on YouTube and then this site. It took me several years to get up the courage to make an account and then post some pictures and then contact some women. Early encouragement from people here and other fetish related sites increased my confidence significantly! I am coming out of a long term relationship that started on here, but I am sure I never would have found her left to my own devices.

The idea that a fetish would allow for couples to hook up who almost certainly wouldn't have done so based on "normal" sexual interactions is an intriguing idea! Basically anything that makes it more likely that you will pass on your genes to the next generation are subject to evolutionary pressures as long as those traits can be genetically influenced. There is lots of evidence that what people find sexually attractive about each other is tied to reproductive fitness - whether or not those things actually can lead to making babies or not. Your partner might look the part of the fertile potential baby producer, but if they are infertile, then that doesn't make any babies. It also doesn't matter to your genes - if you are having any kind of sex, your genes are going: "Yesssss! - Making babies now!" even if you are in a same sex or non-reproductive relationship. I imagine the chromosomes giving high fives to each other! ;-)

Hope that helps.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

Definitely some interesting thoughts there. I do remember it starting young for me but I am not sure what triggered it.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I can't say I know WHY I have it, but I will say that I had signs of it even before I knew it for sure. For example, when I was in eighth grade, I remember going on a trip to a water park for the end of the year. I remember initially I was a little turned off by the sight of some chubby girls in bikinis, but it didn't take long for me to realize that deep down I was turned on by it. I liked how they hung and jiggled and how soft they were. The same could be said when I was graduating high school and I went to a water park for yet another end-of-the-year field trip and getting turned on by a couple of chunky girls in bikinis. I remember how they joked about their fat and grabbed it and I was like "Oh come on, you don't look too bad."

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind thin girls or even fit girls. In fact, I LIKE them. But for some reason, I had a feeling that I was turned on by the sight of chubby girls, but I didn't realize it until I was about 19 or 20. That was when I started knowing it. Not that I was in denial about it, but I was never sure.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I think we're more or less born with our fetishes. As to why, maybe to encourage genetic diversity?

Personally, I didn't get into fat appreciation until later in life. I was always overweight and very self-conscious about it. I knew I loved to eat and that I didn't like to diet and exercise, but I didn't like my body nor did I believe that anyone was capable of finding me attractive.

This says it pretty much for me, except that I did like physical activity: weight lifting, running, biking. I did it because I like it, though I'm limited now, not by my weight, but by back surgery.

It was really only in the past few years that I let myself gain weight and like how I look being fat. I've always been a fan of bhm. I realized there are too many good looking bhm for there to be anything wrong with it or be ashamed of.

As much as I used to dislike being overweight, ironically, I'm having a hard time gaining. As for why I like it, I have no idea. All I know is that fat guys turn me on, and I get aroused identifying with them.
7 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I remember reading that the things that made us uncomfortable as children become turn-ons as adults. That would explain all the BDSM archetypes of the headmistress, clergy, etc. It would certainly explain an obsession with getting fat if we were shamed for it as kids or taught that it was the worst thing that could possibly happen to us. I fall into the latter category. As a kid all the normal movie/cartoon themes were terrifying but made me feel a certain way at the same time. As an adult I get off on seeing other people give themselves over to gluttony & hedonism and I give in quite regularly myself.
6 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

It starts off simple and small, then it hits that you like what you like.
6 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

Yes...just like most have replied...I have had this desire and fetish since I was young. I remember liking the chubbier girls in elementary school with the pretty faces. They were all just a little chubby as far as their arms and faces and little fuller belly than all the skinny girls. I was on a family vacation at around 9-10 yrs. old and I remember seeing a mother that had on really tight jean shorts that were short and her thighs were Tan, really Fat and riddles with cellulite and I really liked it. About the same time over summer I was at the beach with a friend of mine and I had never met his Mother which drove us and stayed with both of our families at the beach and as she took off her large sundress she was in a gold one piece bikini and she was Big and Fat with the hugest thighs, butt, belly and breasts and I couldn't stop starring and I was totally turned on and fascinated by how she looked......and I specifically remember how she struggled to move all her extra weight walking in the sand and how she seem to jiggle and bounce and I was addicted with the fascination of all her Fat.

As I have grown up so has the interest in more and more weight on my girlfriends and now wife and basically on what really turns me on. Weight Gain is a very big fetish for me.....not just the Fat itself....seeing the changes in so many ways. The changes of all the extra weight with movements, how much more my wife eats as she is getting heavier, the more vulnerable care free attitude and even the loss of control with eating is so appealing and arousing. Also, the weight gain fetish has grown in other areas of my life.....a couple times I intentionally gained and became very aroused by it almost as much as witnessing my wife fattening up before my eyes....I guess part of that was I was actually able to do something about it to accelerate it faster by stuffing myself....where as my wife doesn't try to gain she just over indulges for periods and loses control of her appetite and tends to pack on some Lbs. fairly quickly.

I am not sure but have read many things about why we may have this fetish....but I think what is interesting to me is how much this fetish varies upon individuals. Some may like fat on themselves and not others and vise versa, some may like it on both.....and some the fetish can change and add more into ones life as they get older. I mean....if someone would have told me when I was in High School when I considered a 5' 3" girl/woman at 150+ Lbs. to be Fat and my ideal......and then today which my wife is 5' 3" and I would love to see her weigh 300 Lbs. or even 350 Lbs. I would have never imagined that. Not to mention would I have ever thought I would have enjoyed myself growing a big Gut a couple times.

Also.....I tend to wonder where my wife is concerned....based on what someone else mentioned above about this fetish. She happened to be a chunky and overweight kid.....and all her relatives and parents friends would always tell her she would be so Beautiful if she lost weight. She never told me any of this until after we were dating for a while and I mentioned to her that I wouldn't mind at all if she gained weight and encouraged her to eat big meals and allow herself her favorite treats and deserts. That was when she said she worked really hard her junior year in High school to slim down because she was a Fat kid and got even fatter when she first started High School. So she has always seemed to enjoy her food and definitely her sweets but doesn't like it when she starts to gain a little to much weight. Fortunately for me that attitude has subsided a lot over the years and what she considers Fat on herself before is like 40-50 Lb difference than she use to. But what really got me thinking is when I was intentionally fattening myself which added 40+ Lbs. to mainly my Gut in only 4 months she seemed to be really into it and turned I feel like she does have a hidden desire for weight gain mostly on me but even a little bit on herself at times......not to mention she seemed to try and feed me fatter without ever mentioned how big I had gotten...only a couple of times when she was slightly intoxicated....and in an soft teasing endearing way. So there are so many differences to this fetish and how open everyone is about it.
6 years

Why do we have this fetish?????

I remember reading that the things that made us uncomfortable as children become turn-ons as adults. That would explain all the BDSM archetypes of the headmistress, clergy, etc. It would certainly explain an obsession with getting fat if we were shamed for it as kids or taught that it was the worst thing that could possibly happen to us. I fall into the latter category. As a kid all the normal movie/cartoon themes were terrifying but made me feel a certain way at the same time. As an adult I get off on seeing other people give themselves over to gluttony & hedonism and I give in quite regularly myself.

There is a thin line between being terrified and being aroused when it comes to this sort of thing. What we may fear the most is also what we crave the most. I really appreciate your analysis of this, and it does much to explain the psychology of this fetish -- if it can be called a "fetish".
6 years
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