
Any way to become comfortable with all of this?

If it's due to the social aspect of it (like having people notice your weight gain and calling you out on it), the best thing I can suggest would be to try and turn it into a positive thing by taking pride in what they say smiley. It just means that you're doing a good job in gaining.

If you're unable to turn it into a positive thing in your mind, you could try to take on the attitude of "it's my body, and not theirs. I don't care what they say because in the end it's MY choice."

Either one of these mindsets don't come easily though. Once you start thinking like this though, I'm sure the gain will be a lot more enjoyable to you.
7 years

Any way to become comfortable with all of this?

Considering I've been asking this for years now, that still hasn't worked for me but I'll still try. You're right, its the mindset that needs to be fixed. Maybe I need to find a friend I can trust and let them know about it but idk how to say it without being weird.

Getting a real-life friend that will actually understand it might be pretty tough though (though not impossible). If you want to be around loads of people with the same mindset, you can always join this site's chatroom whenever you're having doubts smiley. Sometimes virtual friends are just as good haha.
7 years

Any way to become comfortable with all of this?

I always had a self-image problem and fatphobia. Yet I always found other fat guys hot. I guess I was a FA without knowing it.

When I unintentionally gained weight due to slacking off exercise and letting my diet go, relatives would look at me and say "hey, what happened?", or "uh, you got tubby", or my brother calling me lard-butt, or some such insult.

It used to bother me, but over time I've just gotten comfortable with getting fat. I see too many goodlooking fat guys to think there's anything wrong with it. But I've never made it known that I am intentionally gaining. How and why I'm getting fat is my own affair. In response to those comments I'll just shrug and say "yeah well, y'know... " and change the subject or walk away. I don't owe anyone an explanation.
7 years