
Ssl certs?


Not to be a nerd, but FantasyFeeder does not protect our community with an SSL certificate.

What this means is that the government, your ISP, and any other actors with less benign intentions can see everything sent/received from this website. For instance: do not use your FF password anywhere else.

Just a heads up for the community. Your privacy could be at risk if you do not use a unique password for this site.

7 years

Ssl certs?

I understand your concerns however that's not the case, the vast majority of the website is ssl protected. There's just two sections that were still working on, videos and chat. Passwords are protected. Your browser should automatically be directed to use https in the relevant sections but if not just ensure you have https in the browser address bar.
7 years

Ssl certs?

Protect the community by spreading fear and uncertainty!!!! Not at all needed.

Big love for FF!!!

Big love for FF here, too!!! Would not say something if I did not care for our community.

Agree that fear is not needed, but that people should know that they should treat their FF password as something inherently compromised if entered insecurely.

FWIW https redirect is not automatic for my Mac using either Firefox or Opera.
7 years