
Any video gamers

Moonchild wrote:
Hah, is it? I actually do not read it regularly, but it came up on Google and I generally am a fan of the site. My avatar came up when I Google Image Searched "Thor."

Small Internet. smiley
Whoops, it looks we killed the thread. Maybe I can reinvigorate it by asking the general audience if they are hoping for any games this holiday season and if so which.

So, what games are you all looking forward to getting this holiday season?
15 years

Any video gamers

katsujinken wrote:

So, what games are you all looking forward to getting this holiday season?

Don't know when it's coming out but Star Craft 2 is my eagerly awaited game.... :-)
15 years

Any video gamers

SugarBombs wrote:
jimmybobby wrote:
Fable II is awesome, ive mispent many an hour on there!

See! Proof!
Almost everyone I've mentioned Fable II to, has said it was awesome, but there have been a few who have torn the game apart, what's with all the haterz? HMM?

Well Yahtzee had some pretty valid points against Fable II in his video review...
15 years

Any video gamers

Just finished playing Farcry 2 for the 360. Just started playing Dead Space - the dismemberment mechanic is great, the game is really creepy, and my next mission is to go into a barricaded medical bay that I think is a really bad ideasmiley. Gonna get Gears 2 in a couple of weeks!
15 years

Any video gamers

goldie86 wrote:
everyone played RoM "Runes Of Magic" ? is it a good mmoprg for a beginner ?

A really interesting MMORPG coming out is this one simply called "Love". It's supposed to all look like concept paintings and has a simplified enough look to permanently keep any changes, damages or similar such made in the game world. I'm not usually at all interested in memorpigas but this one looks very cool, check it out...

15 years

Any video gamers

Yea, got Metal Slug Anthology for Xmas!
15 years

Any video gamers

I have an xbox 360. Currently am playing Fable 2 but have the usual live games (COD4, Madden, Halo 3, etc). Send me a pm if you want to try and play any games on there.
15 years

Any video gamers

de Blob get! And upon playing it, it's a pretty awesome game. Having to waggle in order to jump is a little annoying at times but the art direction is cool, the music is catchy and the message (though a little heavy handed) is a good one.

As for RE5, I'm not sure about that one yet. It just doesn't look scary. I mean sure it has Los Plagas but from what I've seen it's less horror and more action and I don't know if it's worth buying a new game that plays exactly like Resident Evil 4 but without the sense of fear just because it has newer graphics.

The Resident Evil remake on Gamecube, Silent Hill 2, Eternal Darkness, now those games are so scary that I couldn't play for too long at any one time but every time when it was dark again I'd turn out the lights, fire them up and plug away a little more at them.
15 years

Any video gamers

curse my luck for not having a PC or and xbox... all the pretty girls and their Left 4 Dead...
15 years

Any video gamers

I'm a Huge gamer
15 years
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