Fat experiences

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

I received the most comments on my weight as I progressed from normal to being slightly obese. Somehow it seemed safe to remark on how much I had gained. As I continued to put on the pounds and became morbidly obese the direct comments stopped. I think this was out of concern that a comment would embarrass me as my weight was clearly a problem.

The only exceptions to this are my family and people who I have not seen for several years. My family, particularly my mum and sister, keep on nagging me about my weight: not that it has made the slightest difference. When I meet up with someone who I have not seen for a while I can see them do a double take. They do not actually mention my weight but it is apparent that they are shocked by the size I have become.
5 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

My company has offices around the world and in some regions, people are very blunt. I walked into an office in Asia one time after 6 months away and the manager shouted across the office, “wow, you got fat!“ He was right.
2 years

Talk about friends reactions to seeing you gained alot of weight in such a short time go into de

My parents went on holiday for 8 weeks to Spain, I had to dog sit, I ordered as much junk food and Chinese in I could gorge myself on, I went shopping and bought whole chickens, lasagna, burgers, double cream and boxes of Gateau's and other cakes, I gained about 50 lbs, all the weight shot to my arse and thighs. Mum was the first to react, "Oh my god you've put on weight...." Then friends noticed that I hadn't been out, but now I looked massive. Its when I started feeding more.
2 years
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