Fattening others

Letting someone gain on their own

What do you guys think of letting someone you love eat whatever and gain weight?

I love my gf and want to see her gain a few pounds, but don't want to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable. She is already pretty chubby and eats mostly whatever she wants, which will most likely lead to some more extra weight without my interference.

While I would love to see her bigger, I don't want her to be unhappy with her body or make unhealthy choices (junk and sugar all the time). Ways to boost her confidence or gain more healthily?

Would love some unbiased feedback, this seems to be the only place to ask questions like this
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

This is why people need to let their partners make the decision. If you need a certain size partner, it is best to find one who wants to be the size that you want them to be,
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

"She is already pretty chubby and eats mostly whatever she wants, which will most likely lead to some more extra weight without my interference."

Here's your answer.

If she's already on this track, I think the best thing you can do is just love her, make her feel safe and comfortable, and let Mother Nature run its course. Eventually, she'll hit a point where that weight piles on faster and faster, and it becomes more and more difficult to take it off. If you make her feel beautiful and loved, she'll have no real motivation to lose the weight, and you can just sit back and enjoy as she becomes softer, fatter, and sexier.

There are (relatively) healthy ways to gain weight without putting oneself at a massive risk of disease/death. Slow gaining over a longer period of time is safer than rapid gains, as the body has more time to adjust to the added weight. Avoiding heavily-processed foods and restricting sugar intake helps too. (Much of the damage that junk food does to the body comes from processed chemicals, artificial additives, and artificial sugars). She can get a surprising amount of calories from all-natural butters, creams, oils, etc. She could also use weight-gain formulas. These are like protein powders, except that they add calories to your diet instead of protein. Her diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits as well as the heavier, more fattening foods. That way, she still gets the nutrients her body needs while getting lots of fattening calories too.

That's just a start. My point is that it's possible to eat a heavy, calorie-rich diet and gain weight without eating junk food 24/7.

Of course, there comes a point at which a woman is simply too big to avoid weight-related health risks, so keep that in mind. But hey, maybe your gf doesn't care --- in that case, I would just let her keep growing. smiley
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

As a feeder it's so hard for me to relinquish control and not always be pushing for more calories. BUT that said... my wife has often gained the most when I was off my game and not cooking or stocking the fridge.

So let her do her thing. When she does, she's most likely picking the exact foods she wants in the moment and will eat more as a result.

When I wasn't heavily stocking the fridge and cabinets, it produced many "uh, we don't have anything I like in the fridge" moments. She would always then push to order a massive takeout meal or we'd end up at a restaurant w/her eating an appetizer to herself that was probably double to triple in calories what she would have ate if I fed her at home.

Let her do her thing.
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

One more quick story that affirmed this in me.

The summer I really fell out of feederism because I was hardcore dieting trying to get down to 8% BF is ironically when my wife started really ballooning up. And I couldn't understand it at the time.

Recently in conversation she mentioned "you think I've gotten fat, you should see Richard (her boss)" (laughs). I learned her boss has put on over 150lbs in the last 2 years and, unbeknownst to me, was constantly fattening up my wife that summer bringing her ice cream almost daily and taking the team out to lunch.

"Oh yeah, he totally changed my opinion on donuts. We'd go to this great donut shop almost every morning."

Whole thing was surreal. After all my hard work and planning I had to hear "Look at this (jiggles her belly). So much of this is because of him."

But whatever, high five Richard!

Once a girl is gaining, it's really a steam train that's hard to stop. The smaller frame, hormone profile and slowing metabolism is truly stacked against them. Just let her do her thing and nudge with some snacks. Most people have countless opportunities to indulge. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.

The full on feeder route of counting calories, constantly pushing food does get laborious and frustrating at times.
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

Yeah, so, whatever size she would be at, she'll be unhappy at one point or another. And I tell you; that sucks. It sucks when her weight is right (whatever that may be), and it sucks when you know she is overweight and you helped/encouraged/enabled it.

Here are my thoughts on it

- We like the gain(ing), so feeding is fun and exciting
- But the faster they gain, the faster the fun is over
- ...and the faster they gain, the sooner they want to stop, slow down, or diet

- Gaining is easy
- Losing is not
- Gaining brings your internal setpoint up
- Dieting won't bring it down
- Essentially the only way is up, especially for women

So those things combine *realistically* for me to:

- always, always, always be closing on how nice, beautiful, and sexy she looks heavier
- encourage, enable; don't force
- ride out any diet attempt until the "I deserve this" point; sit back and enjoy while the new setpoint goes up
- having HER gain weight is better than ME having her gain weight because once she feels guilty/bad, I can know it was mostly her

And -- you can try to install an artificial bottom. I told mine one day "for this or that special day you could weight at least 200 lbs", followed by "for me, every month you're over 200 lbs I give you my spending money"
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

Just let nature take it's course.If she's happy be happy for her.If she gains a little where it's noticable & asks you if she's getting fat tell her she is beautiful & you love her no matter what.Complimenting her on it can sometimes lead to more but either way let it be her decision.
6 years

Letting someone gain on their own

What do you all think about specifically saying you like it when she is a bit heavier?

I've changed my "no, you're not big at all" game to "I like it when you have a bit of meat on you", and my impression is that it's both more honest (she KNOWS she gained weight) and has better effect
6 years