Fat experiences

Being humiliated

Breaking a chair at work and having to ask for another. Was hard to stay conscious lol... Intense is not the word
6 years

Being humiliated

1. Senior year of high school: I did nothing but eat and watch TV all summer, and for the first time ever I gained a little weight. I went from 160 to 180, which at 6 foot tall was not chubby or even pudgy. First morning of senior year, my girlfriend (who said nothing about it all summer) starts talking to all our friends about how fat I got, poking and patting my belly over and over. The only thing more embarrassing at the time was how turned on I was.

2. Gave a speech at work in front of about 30 people: The speech was right after lunch, and seemed to go well except for people seemed distracted. After, someone came to me and told me my shirt popped a button. I looked down to realize my belly had been peeking out the gaped area the whole time.

3. Went to lunch with my boss: when I tried to slide in the booth where he was sitting, I couldn't fit. He asked me (louder than necessary) if we needed to find a table somewhere else, drawing attention from other people. I said no, sucked in my gut as much as possible, and forced myself in- allowing part of my gut to roll into the table. His face was priceless, but mine was red and burning from the workout and the embarrassment combined.
6 years

Being humiliated

gym bunnie:
that is ridiculously hot

Probably more ridiculous than hot
6 years

Being humiliated

Breaking a chair at work and having to ask for another. Was hard to stay conscious lol... Intense is not the word

If that really happened, I’m sorry but it is not humiliating. You just stick your chin out, hold your head up and ask for a new chair.
6 years

Being humiliated

Once I was wearing a shirt that was tight and when I was about to sit down it pop but only the chest part would expose everything , It was very humiliating but something hot
5 years

Being humiliated

Because my wife was the skinny hot one on her work team, she was always called upon to give the presentations and pitches. Once she gained, her boss told her she can't do the presentations any more and handed it to a young skinny blonde coworker. Was ultimately humiliation in front of the entire department because everybody knew it was because she turned into a fattie.
5 years

Being humiliated

Because my wife was the skinny hot one on her work team, she was always called upon to give the presentations and pitches. Once she gained, her boss told her she can't do the presentations any more and handed it to a young skinny blonde coworker. Was ultimately humiliation in front of the entire department because everybody knew it was because she turned into a fattie.

Did she reported her boss? That's discriminatory.

They provided no reason. Just a "change of roles"; but everyone all knew why, particularly because the younger girl was no where near as good of an orator, or knowledgeable about the brand.
5 years

Being humiliated

Because my wife was the skinny hot one on her work team, she was always called upon to give the presentations and pitches. Once she gained, her boss told her she can't do the presentations any more and handed it to a young skinny blonde coworker. Was ultimately humiliation in front of the entire department because everybody knew it was because she turned into a fattie.

Her boss is a jerk
5 years