Lifestyle tips

Attitudes to fatness and gaining.

I think it's just connected to society's usual shaming of fat and such. Many people here find the thought of people being shocked at their fat and weight gain and the humiliation that goes with it to be erotic.
5 years

Attitudes to fatness and gaining.

imho, both sexuality and social attitudes are very complex and multi-layered. There may be some element of self-dislike, as well as catharses for it both through sexualization and through forcing it on tormentors. There is also the level on which revenge fattening makes the 'vicitm' responsible for it in a way while being free of direct responsibility for becoming fat in another, again perhaps very tied to various subconscious pathos in many people in this community. Cognitive dissonance can be at once the bane of closet fetishists and the funnest and hottest part.
5 years