Lifestyle tips

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Any kind of office worker there is usually a few amateur bakers looking to show off there creations not to mention the over orered office catering 😂
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Working from home will help. The little husband fattened up nicely when he stopped going into the office and had a nice sedentary job. Now that he's not working he has more time for cooking.
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I've mentioned before that my skinny fit wife became a web designer. She was initially on the marketing team as a designer where it was predominantly gorgeous young women and a daily beauty contest of one-up man ship. Segueing into web design, the web team was...... a little different.

She made fun of how all her team members were such stereotypes: severely overweight, sloppy, web coding nerds that order donuts everyday. She even once made a statement "I can't believe they can eat that stuff all day."

6 years later, she's now totally slobbed out, fat, wears glasses and brags about volunteering to pick up the Krispy Kremes so she can order a couple special donuts for herself with the corporate card each morning. Has empty vending machine trash on her desk like the rest of them. Eats all of the same junk for lunch with them. Even started watching a couple of of the same sci-fi Netflix series as them.

It's funny how much your coworkers can influence your habits. Being around obese people has definitely "normalized" behavior to her that I never could have done as a slim feeder.
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have worked in offices with a lot of women, many of whom gained weight. I do remember a few years ago we had some young women start working, pretty much right after high school, they gained weight faster than the older women did!
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I developed peripheral nephropathy in my legs and feet from being too sedentary at work sadly. Make sure you get up once in a while lol

That's actually a symptom of diabetes.

Pressure on nerves will cause neuropathy too. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a form of neuropathy in the wrist and hand.
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have gone from a lifetime of heavy physical manual jobs, and years of lifting weights / training, to a year of sitting at a desk.
I struggled to keep my visible abs and muscular physique, and in the past month stopped training totally. I decided at age 50, I wanted to be different.
Already I have a belly growing, and my once rock-hard pecs have become soft and squishy.
There's no going back now !
6 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I use to have an office job and I would constantly snack.

Tell me about it !!
Today we have eaten a pack of biscuits, a pack of fudge with chocolate on, and a pack of crunchy chocolate oat things. That was between dinner and breaks lol..... My work partner says she has put on 3lbs since monday and I'm a bad influence lolol.......
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I love this post!
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Teleworking usually allows for plentiful grazing through the day. smiley
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have worked in offices with a lot of women, many of whom gained weight. I do remember a few years ago we had some young women start working, pretty much right after high school, they gained weight faster than the older women did!

This is 100% true!! Im 20 and started my desk job Feb 2018 at 150lbs and now I�m 230lbs- with out even trying! It�s funny how sitting at a desk eating all day can pack on the lbs. not to mention the added help from other girls in the office who love to cook and eat more than I do!!!

Hey Ann,
It's so true isn't it.
Our receptionist, a lovely lady called Alex, who is stick thin, tall, pretty, keeps bringing me & my work partner snacks constantly throughout the day. She is a secret feeder, how lucky am I !!
If it's not cake, it's chocolate hobnob's, or other chocolate snacks. I bring in my own stash of junk, and my work partner also brings in junk, so we share it with each other.
If I thought I could get away with a flask of double cream (pretending it's coffee or something) I would lol.....
5 years
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