Story authors

Not fitting in

Though the genre may appear to have narrowed from the old days, it hasn't, though some things become more or less popular.

The fact is, this is a huge genre with many many subgenres and crossovers, and not everything gets expressed in equal measure. BDSM is often popular, both physically as in the nonconsensual stories, and emotionally as in the ones you yourself write. BDSM is another huge genre, and there are a number of people here that are into it as well in some form or another.

Honestly, I like variety. I have come across the full range of material here and elsewhere, and though many stories here end with huge weights or slavery, that is probably because those are the most extreme and least realistic parts of this genre, sans scifi/fantasy. As time has gone on, this genre's peak density has shifted that way, but there are many stories out there that are loving and romantic, contain mild weight gain or none, star characters that are only mildly chubby, or focus just on eating or a fat lifestyle. I used to love Dimensions Magazine for its wider variety, though they recently hid a large portion of their old gallery.

IMHO, a site like this (as a major current hub of the FA community) should contain a wider base, with more stories focused just on eating or focused just on romantic relationships between slightly or moderately overweight people. However, that will require more of such stories being regularly written. XD
5 years

Not fitting in

have you set the story search fields here to either "romance" or "submission and domination"?

that's where those gentler/loving-ish stories you mention live ..and where most of my stories are

5 years