
Doc appointment coming up; dieting ahead

Somewhere coming month my wife has an appointment with her doctor. That goes hand in hand with a stern look from the doctor and a "you're X lbs"

I expect a weight loss attempt. When it comes to dieting is is and remains a "let's do this!" kind of gal. "1000 calories is too much for me!" Meal replacement drinks. Fruit. Boiler air. That's followed by hunger and giving in, or, if she continues, by a weight loss plateau with gaining as soon as she eats again.

I'm going to be all supportive, genuinely helping her. Not even snacking in front of her. I'll help her starve herself smiley Asking for more food, especially the type and quantities she knows will do the opposite of losing weight, has to come from herself. That keeps me from feeling like a jerk for tempting or manipulating her, and it helps her internalize the weight loss defeat.

so, soon the games will be on again!
5 years

Doc appointment coming up; dieting ahead

I'm familiar with this. It used to happen a lot. Before the appointment, he would get all squirmy and reluctant to go, would try to put the appointment off, etc., and the pathetic attempts at dieting also sound familiar.
I got him a new, more fat-friendly doctor, who doesn't love all the weight he's put on, but doesn't tell him to lose it, either. Now he just eats regularly before the appointment.
5 years