
What to eat for becoming obese.

Hello, i'm overweight but i wanna be obese so i must gain 24 pounds. Can somebody tell me what to eat? Like:
Breakfast: ????
Lunch: ????
Dinner: ????
I have 3 months
5 years

What to eat for becoming obese.

5 years

What to eat for becoming obese.

Breakfast: Donuts, Danish, washed down with heavy cream ... not a little heavy cream ... at least a pint.

Mid-morning Snack: (if you can) couple of Snickers bars (or eqv) and a regular soda.

Lunch: Large size fast food meal (McD or eqv) with large shake and eat a couple apple pies or eqv until stuffed

Afternoon Snack: (if you can) Snickers bars (or eqv) and a regular soda

Dinner: Spagetti or similar in huge portion with LOTS of cheese on it. Dessert several pieces of cheesecake or similar. Drink the non-diet soda of your choice.

Bedtime snack: Quart of cream and a package of Oreos .... eat them all and drink it all!

Middle of the night wakeup snack: (if you wake up) Caffeine free Soda and cookies or cheese cake or your choice

Eat yourself FULL every time!!
5 years

What to eat for becoming obese.

I believe that the mixture of the two will give you what you want. A diet of mostly carbs with low fat and low dairy is probably not the best way to go.

You need all that cream to keep the carbs going where you want them to.
5 years

What to eat for becoming obese.

Heavy cream, ok
5 years