
Cream shots

I got to thinking about what would happen if I kept a carton of sweetened heavy cream nearby so that I could take small drinks throughout the day. Like a cream shot from a shot glass for fun or just a good swig every half hour until the carton is empty.

Has anyone done it like this? I've drank over a cup at one time and felt nauseated afterward. Little drinks of it never bothered me, so it looks tempting.

Adding maltodextrine powder at 2/3rds of a cup per pint of cream should work good in a shot. I think it would be too sweet to drink in bigger amounts even if you got used to it. I'm looking for something quick and easy that doesn't involve a big messy blender.

Fattening shots can be pretty kinky. I can imagine a naked drinking game like quarters but with carb loaded shots of pure dairy fat, lol. It would be lots of fun.

I have seen this mentioned before, but what is maltodextrine powder? I might add it to my cream if it will help.
5 years