
Any pills to increase appetite?

"Full" is a relative feeling.

For a lot of people it means "I've eaten enough that I don't still feel hungry".

For most gainers, they eat past this point until it actually becomes uncomfortable or aches just a bit. This is the stomach's 100% full mark and it's usually 25-50% beyond the normal "not still hungry" capacity. However, unlike the gas tank on your car, the stomach is capable of stretching. If the feedee gets to 110-125% of this capacity mark on a somewhat routine basis (2-4 times weekly) the stomach can gradually increase it's baseline capacity.

The key is to encourage the feedee to push past that "full" indicator (because they aren't really FULL they're just "not hungry"smiley and keep going until they're pretty uncomfortable, start to have some small pains, maybe having to catch their breath a bit. Doing this routinely 3-4 times a week will eventually increase her capacity, which will be necessary to keep up the feedings as she puts on more weight and avoid plateauing.

People suggest apetamin for this and I've heard it helps the feedee by getting past that initial "full" feeling and being able to get up to the true 100% mark or beyond before wanting to stop. It's also good to have many different kinds of food to avoid her getting bored. Different tastes and textures will keep her eating longer.
5 years