Lifestyle tips

Habits to help me gain?

I'm around 140 now and want to gain to around 200-250 very quickly. What are some habits to get into to help me gain? I want something that will be hard to get out of so I keep gaining and it makes it hard to go back. Thanks smiley

Calculate how many cals you need in a day in order to maintsin your weight (a simple Google search will do) and then eat more than that. 500 cals extra should be enough to start out with.

Skip breakfast. This slows down your metabolism a bit.

Choose foods that are dense in calories like chocolate, cheese, cream, butter etc etc.
Don't forget your fruits and veggies though. It's important to get your minerals and vitamins. Same goes for protein. Get enough of that in your diet. Plus, every bit of protein your body doesn't end up using that day will turn to fat.. So yeah. Bonus!

Also, going to the gym to lift some weights in order to strengthen your muscles is not a bad idea either. It'll be super beneficial in the long run.

Best of luck!

I am living pretty much this way, but stopped gaining month ago. Did I just crush my metabolism and it got used to these amounts of calories?

Or is it the stress that avoids any further gaining?

Let me know what you think...

I am always wandering, it cant be true, eating so much and not gaining a pound anymore
5 years

Habits to help me gain?

I'm around 140 now and want to gain to around 200-250 very quickly. What are some habits to get into to help me gain? I want something that will be hard to get out of so I keep gaining and it makes it hard to go back. Thanks smiley

Calculate how many cals you need in a day in order to maintsin your weight (a simple Google search will do) and then eat more than that. 500 cals extra should be enough to start out with.

Skip breakfast. This slows down your metabolism a bit.

Choose foods that are dense in calories like chocolate, cheese, cream, butter etc etc.
Don't forget your fruits and veggies though. It's important to get your minerals and vitamins. Same goes for protein. Get enough of that in your diet. Plus, every bit of protein your body doesn't end up using that day will turn to fat.. So yeah. Bonus!

Also, going to the gym to lift some weights in order to strengthen your muscles is not a bad idea either. It'll be super beneficial in the long run.

Best of luck!

I am living pretty much this way, but stopped gaining month ago. Did I just crush my metabolism and it got used to these amounts of calories?

Or is it the stress that avoids any further gaining?

Let me know what you think...

I am always wandering, it cant be true, eating so much and not gaining a pound anymore

Have you adjusted your BMR rate? Your basic caloric needs go up as your weight goes up. It's possible you haven't adjusted for your new weight.

Sometimes your metabolism will adjust to your food intake as well, so possibly changing the times of day you eat might help.

Best of luck!
5 years

Habits to help me gain?

I keep a supply of fun size candy with me at all times. In my purse, in bowls around the house, in my car, in my nightstand. I’m basically always eating one. If you go right after a holiday you can get bags and bags for really cheap. I bought about 20 bags after Halloween for $22. They are huge bags too!
5 years

Habits to help me gain?

thank you!
I am starting to experiment with changing the times of the day I eat.
5 years

Habits to help me gain?


Once you are really stuffed add milk or will be surprised how easy it is to still consume heavy liquids while you are so stuffed and can’t eat another bit. If you are adventurous try heavy cream after you are stuffed. Then water to stretch you stomach even more.

If you continue this pattern for a couple weeks will be surprised how much you have stretched your stomach and notice how much more you can eat without getting
full. And after a few more weeks you won’t even have to purposely will want and need to be eating that much all the time as if you were stuffing.

You will not only gain a bunch of weight you will create a fattening lifestyle. You will be more tired and exhausted and will crave so much more food it will shock you.

Stuffing, stretching out your stomach and drinking fatty heavy liquids after being stuffed and then water will increase your stomach capacity and make you a bottomless pit. Which we definitely make you FAT!
5 years

Habits to help me gain?

Your daily maintenance is probably close to 3k, so I would try to eat around 3500 calories a day.

It would be helpful to keep track of everything you eat for a few weeks to make sure you are eating enough to gain.

Thank you; indeed this was very helpful. I found out it's 3.200 daily, something I do miss on workdays regularly!
5 years