Story authors

Putting your story into the correct section


as a newly appointed administrator looking after the story section, I have been asked to bring to your attention an error that many authors are making when classifying where a story goes.
The sex of the person who is gaining or being fattened dictates what section the story goes in.
If a woman is being fattened by a man, it goes in the female gaining section NOT the male section.
Similarly, if a woman is fattening a man, that goes in the male section.
There has been confusion with this and it is causing readers to go to stories that they have no interest in.
I will now be going through each story and if it is in the incorrect section I will be writing to the author and asking them to move it to the correct section.
This is going to take a long time but to help the site run more smoothly we ask all authors to please help us.
If you have written a story posted here already, can you please check so help us get things moving.
Also, if you are posting a new story please remember it is the person gaining that denotes the sex of the story, not the person fattening them!


Grownshowr smiley
5 years

Putting your story into the correct section

finally...thank you

you may have better luck if hiccupx changes the category in the pull down from "main character" to "character gaining weight" or "gender being fattened"
5 years

Putting your story into the correct section

That is a great idea. I'll put it to him! Thanks smiley
5 years