
Accidentally been starving, want to gain rapidly.

Hey everyone. Essentially for the past 3 months I've been extremely busy with school and work and I would prioritize eating last. Through eating one meal a day, I ended up losing around 20 pounds over that period. I've lost a lot of muscle and also a lot of fat but still have a little on my stomach. Even during the past months I've constantly been waffling whether I want to fully commit to gaining weight or not. But today I've finally decided if I'm gonna fix the starvation I better make it my number one priority and go all in as a gainer.

I'm here to ask for advice on how I can gain very quickly since the holiday season is coming up. I want to gain rapidly despite possible health concerns because I want to experience what it feels like to change and notice it and see if it's really what I want. If it isn't I'll have the rest of winter to burn it off (even though I'm almost 99% positive I'm going to love it). I've searched through these forums quite a bit and I've seen things like the yoyo-effect and crash dieting. I believe I may have accidentally crash dieted and am curious if that will have an effect on how quickly I gain if bring up my daily calories a ton. I'm thinking about combining my potentially super low metabolism with drinking heavy cream on top of eating a good amount during the day. I'm pretty set on doing something like this and will likely start in a day or two but I'm curious on everyones opinions and if there is possibly a better way to gain quick. thanks!
5 years