
Best part of gaining?

I would love stretch marks! They would easily be seen, distorting my tattoos. I do hope I get a few soon.
4 years

Best part of gaining?

I love the way I'm having to really pull on my work belt to get it dome up and the fact that my belly is starting to overhang my belt in my work trousers and also my jeans when I go out. I find it so hot!
4 years

Best part of gaining?

Increasing your appetite. I just got bk. Two chocolate Oreo shakes, an impossible whopper, mozzarella sticks, and a herseys sundae pie and I’m not full.

I’m so wet right now.
4 years

Best part of gaining?

Just wondering what everyone likes most about gaining?

A - the feel of fat/ getting fatter

B - The weight and or getting heavier

C - Getting physically bigger

D - other

For me, it's A.
3 years

Best part of gaining?

Increasing your appetite. I just got bk. Two chocolate Oreo shakes, an impossible whopper, mozzarella sticks, and a herseys sundae pie and I’m not full.

I’m so wet right now.

Very nice!
3 years

Best part of gaining?

Just wondering what everyone likes most about gaining?

A - the feel of fat/ getting fatter

B - The weight and or getting heavier

C - Getting physically bigger

D - other

D. the food obv 🍔🍕🌮🌯🍦🍰🍩🍪🥪🌭
2 months

Best part of gaining?

A mostly, but all 3

D for me would be feeling more feminine as I soften away from a harder athletic frame and fill out with soft curves.
2 months

Best part of gaining?

Just wondering what everyone likes most about gaining?

A - the feel of fat/ getting fatter

B - The weight and or getting heavier

C - Getting physically bigger

D - other

I love it all I love how big and womanly I look with all my plump curves. I just love eating and allowing myself to be a greedy plumper. I also love teasing and comments mmmm
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

I guess A and B mostly….. Love having to “size up” for new clothes. Love teasing/comments from strangers here as they almost always make me want to find something to eat….. But most importantly, love that my husband has become so much more open about admiring and encouraging my gains….
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

At least early on, for me it's the sensation of perpetual fullness. It's so pleasurable to relax and munch all day, and go to bed full.
3 weeks
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