Extreme obesity

What do you guys think of health issues?

Not my thing at all. I already have health issues that are not fat related and it sucks when your body stops you from doing what you want! So if I start developing metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc, I will do my best to get it under control. If that means I never reach my goal of 400 lbs, so be it.

So far, so good though! My fasting glucose and A1C are normal, so are my lipids. My blood pressure is a bit higher than I'd like but not officially high. Part of that could be stress, part of it is the fact that I can't buy yoga classes or a gym membership right now because I'm trying to scrape up enough money to get my cat some expensive veterinary treatment.
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

For me it's not so much the specific health effects, but that you're partner knows they're killing themselves, but they are too far gone to stop it from happening. The only difference between fantasy vs reality is that in reality it's because they have a similar fetish that renders them helpless, and in fantasy and literature it's purely or a binging disorder or a stomach stretched out of emotional dependence. The idea that unless you help them there is no turning back, no hope of longevity, and that they don't realize this until they are completely dependent is incredibly hot.
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

To me, they're more like an unfortunate side-effect, but one I'm willing to embrace and accept in other to reach my goal. Does help that I want subcutaneous and not visceral fat, tjo

But if you dig health issues, all the power to you, I'll absolutely respect it.

It comes with the gaining. I'm trying to accept it. It's kinda like it's inevitable...
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

As a feeder looking after my girl when things get difficult is part of the relationship... Always there to support.
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

For me they�re a massive turn on, I have high blood pressure and can�t wait to develop diabetes, heart disease, nafld etc. I can�t wait to feel my body struggle even more when I put it under more and more strain until I keel over, preferably from a heart attack.

Idk whether this applies to a lot of members in this community or not so I�m wondering what you guys think.

exactly the same here, knowing every calorie and every extra lbs is killing you quicker 🐷
My blood pressure is high, my cholesterol is high, I have type 2 diabetes and at my last test my blood sugar was through the roof and I have acid reflux from the weight of my belly fat. I'm well on the way to an early death and it's so hot smiley
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

I promised myself that, when my gaining started causing health problems or my having to have special equioment, I would stop. Then I developed sleep apnea as a direct result of my weight and, instead of reducing my weight, I started using a CPAP machine and mask which took time to get used to but I depend on it now. I also ordered a bariatric hospital style bed as I found it easier to sleep with my upper body slightly raised.

So the promise changed. I would start losing weight and take my health seriously if developed a condition which meant I would be on medication for life. Soon after I was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and have medication for high lood pressure and colestrol. So I stopped kidding myself and accepted that my choice to be morbidly obese meant that I would have related health issues which I should accept and embrace as I had done with every other aspect of being very fat. Since then with I have also started taking anti-inflamatories and pain killers for my back and knees.

I know I have a high blood sugar reading and am categorised as pre-diabetic. So I suppose I will have to accept that in all likelihood I will develop Type 2 diabetes. I suppose it comes with the territory.
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

I love all the health problems associated with my morbid obesity. I already have diabetes and high blood pressure and find it very erotic but the for me they are just an added bonus because nothing can compete with knowing that I�m eating myself to death and being fat to addicted to food and fat to stop
😍😍😍, the last part especially
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

I’m ashamed to say this is a huge turn on for me. I’m still relatively small but the idea of giving in so completely to my gluttonous desires that I actually ruin my body and health is unbelievably hot
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

Most of my fat goes to my bum and thighs, is that unhealthy?
5 years

What do you guys think of health issues?

Most of my fat goes to my bum and thighs, is that unhealthy?

No, that's subcutaneous fat. The kind of fat which causes health problems is visceral fat. Excessive amounts of visceral fat make the belly protrude like a pot or beer/ball belly.

Although if an unuussual amount of fat goes to her bum and legs, that could be a sign of lipedema, where her legs will eventually fill with fluid, looking like balloons ready to pop. So here's hoping smiley
5 years
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