
First heavy cream experience?

Personally, I just drink it straight. It does take some getting used to though, so a bit of milk and milkshake powder (Nesquik) will certainly help.

Once you get used to it, you'll be amazed by how easy it is to add large numbers of extra calories. Just don't go nuts to begin with, as I did, or you can expect a stomach upset and a sleepless night. smiley

It really works, though. I've piled on the fat since adding heavy cream.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Personally, I just drink it straight. It does take some getting used to though, so a bit of milk and milkshake powder (Nesquik) will certainly help.

Once you get used to it, you'll be amazed by how easy it is to add large numbers of extra calories. Just don't go nuts to begin with, as I did, or you can expect a stomach upset and a sleepless night. smiley

It really works, though. I've piled on the fat since adding heavy cream.

Did you grow fast enough for stretch marks?

I've been trying.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Personally, I just drink it straight. It does take some getting used to though, so a bit of milk and milkshake powder (Nesquik) will certainly help.

Once you get used to it, you'll be amazed by how easy it is to add large numbers of extra calories. Just don't go nuts to begin with, as I did, or you can expect a stomach upset and a sleepless night. smiley

It really works, though. I've piled on the fat since adding heavy cream.

Did you grow fast enough for stretch marks?

I've been trying.

Yes, a couple of purple marks on my love handles, and the very beginnings on my belly.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?


I think those are just talking about keto diets.

This is correct. Additionally, the claim made by Keto dieters that heavy cream aids weight loss is incorrect. Keto only works because it puts you in a calorie deficit, in spite of what Keto cultists would have you believe.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

If you just want more fat and don't prefer subcutaneous fat over visceral fat, then I guess the potential visceral fat burning effect might make it not worth it.

There's no evidence that heavy cream will cause burning of visceral fat. If, indeed, dairy consumption does result in a reduction of visceral fat, it is likely this will be the result of redistribution.

There is good evidence of dietary factors causing fat redistribution between subcutaneous and visceral fat: Trans fats can cause the former to transfer to the latter, for example. However I'm struggling to find any studies that suggest dairy causes a redistribution in either direction. All I can find is this article about a study in which a correlation between dairy consumption and lower visceral fat is observed:
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

I'm not sure you've linked to the correct study. The study you've linked to concludes that a carbohydrate-enriched diet "increased accumulation of fat deposited in the trunk depot" and "was associated with a decrease in the amount of fat mass deposited in the leg". It says nothing about dairy and fat distribution, only that a diet enriched with saturated fat did not cause any change in fat distribution.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Actually the study shows that the dairy fat decreased visceral fat and increased leg fat.

Again, I think you may have linked to a different study to the one you're referring to. The study you linked to ( doesn't even mention dairy, much less present the conclusion you've stated.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

The high SAT diet had whole milk and butter while the other diets had skim milk and no butter. I think it supports the conclusion I came to. Maybe you should read it again?

My mistake, I must've missed that in the study design description. But perhaps you'd be kind enough to identify the passage in the paper that supports supports your claim "This study shows isocaloric diets high in dairy can beneficially alter fat distribution", because I can't find anything to support that.

The study concludes that the CHO-rich diet resulted in redistribution from leg to trunk, but that no change in distribution was observed in the SAT-rich and MUFA-rich diets.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Look at table 1. Of the things with low P values, dairy had the lowest Fatty body trunk and Fat trunk-to-fat leg ratio and had the highest Fat in leg.

Yes, but, again, it doesn't show change over time. You're extrapolating from incomplete data. The study only presents change in composition for CHO, not SAT and MUFA.
5 years

First heavy cream experience?

Finally Fat:
I love this thread!

Mee Toooo !

I have no idea about the science, so it's a learning process and very interesting.
5 years
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