Fat experiences

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

I went from a pretty muscular toned guy to a noticeably chubby guy in the past year and a half from my previous high weight I lost 30lbs for surgery and dealing with complications that have left me unable to workout I gained about 40 pounds unintentionally, then about 10 by putting effort into gaining because I like having a soft belly and just felling bigger and no another 12 by just living not putting any effort into anything.
I enjoy a lot of aspects about the change though I wish I could build back a lot of the muscle mass that I've lost, but hopefully that will happen in a couple months, but I still struggle especially buying clothes. I've never had to get clothes this big and find myself embarrassed by it as well as not being able to hide my stomach anymore. It's also odd because I've run into people and just feel weird knowing I look different or talking with my surgeon, more along the lines of I guess we've both been enjoying the holidays type stuff, it's really an odd mix of embarrassment and confidence. I'm shooting to stay within 10 pounds of where I'm at right now until I can start lifting again.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

More of a witness to this but a coworker of mine at a pizza place blew up pretty big. She was there maybe just over a year and in that whole time she would always get any no shows or returns we couldn't sell off to other customers. We'd typically hold thoese for about 2 hours knocking more off the price every 30 minutes, if people didn't mind slightly cold food (we'd throw it back in the oven for a few minutes if asked) you could get some seriously good deals (as an example, we had like 3 no shows, all together would of been like $140 between all the pizza, wings, subs and salads for them, got it for $40)

Anyway back on subject, shed always take the no shows or ask for something before leaving. Started off small, some French fries, a sub, a slice or two, but it wasn't long till she was taking full pizzas and so on.

Figured she was sharing it with her friends or something, but one of the drivers asked her once and she said something like "Oh I take it home for later" or something to that effect. So I think she was relying on our no shows so as not to have a huge grocery bill (why pay $100-200 for a weeks worth of food, when you can get it for like $40-50)

No idea what she weighed before or after but by the time she left she was certainly round, eventually she left for greener pastures, we wished her luck on her new job and that was that.

Till about January of last year, had a day off and was running some errands for my mom, was heading to her old office and dropping off her yearly fudge drop (she typically makes it every Christmas, but life stuff prevented a pre Christmas delivery) made rounds around the office, dropped it off, and was heading out when a familiar voice asked my name, I said yep. Turned out it was my old coworker damn near unrecognizable with how much more weight she'd put on (also she was wearing business attire, and glasses so that alone probably would of thrown me off) caught up briefly and turned out she was working the same floor and building as my mom, chatted a bit before having to leave, but told her it was nice running into her.

Honestly been trying to find another excuse to head up there, but my own situation has prevented it so far, if only just to see.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

Why wait for an excuse? You know her. Go and chat with her, and ask her out if she seems interested in you. Men who like to see women gain are not that common.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

Why wait for an excuse? You know her. Go and chat with her, and ask her out if she seems interested in you. Men who like to see women gain are not that common.

Well one getting in the building is hard unless someone knows your coming to buzz you in.
Second I know from working with her we don't have much of anything in common. We get along well enough as coworkers, but interest, hobbies, ect.
Although I got tomorrow off and nothing planned, wouldn't hurt to track her down and see if shes free for lunch.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

I was with an ex for two years who was about 330 and ended up gaining from about 160-205 just not paying attention, but the rest has been by my own choice.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

A close friend (non-FA) has gained a lot past couple of years and I am supremely jealous. Ive always been around 10lbs heavier since teens and we averaged around 150 - 160. She broke 200 when pregnant but lost 20+ after... Few years later she got hooked on pills and graduated to Heroin, lost a lot of weight. Strung out and down to 119 pounds in 2017 she thankfully sought treatment and got sober.

Packed on pounds quickly in treatment and last year confided she'd gained close to 20lbs in a single month. Quickly back up to 150 average and surpassed 200 not long after, close to 100 in just a year.

Last summer she was up to 217 and still 10 or so lighter than me when we weighed together. Now in 2019 she is fatter than me for first time ever and easily 230+ but hasn't been on scale in a while. Saw her for 1st time since Holidays and it's very noticeable she's gained even more.

She's not thrilled yet mostly accepting and complains of fat girl problems, and has no idea how jealous I am. Seeing her surpass me has made me double down on gaining efforts past couple months. I mean she's not even trying and is fatter than me now... Mostly want to know exactly what she's up to at this point.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

Went off my meds that I had been on for over 10 years that suppress appetite, it was like I was discovering food for the first time, gained nearly 50 lbs in less than 9 months.
5 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

I’ve been with my boyfriend now a little over two months and in that time I’ve gone from 199 to 207.9lbs. He’s much bigger than I am, around the 280 to 300 range and a very unhealthy eater so most of what he eats is high fat foods like pizza, burgers, chicken fried steak, etc, and doesn’t eat vegetables like at all. I’ve always wanted to gain weight, but it never really happened stuck now. We’re definitely an unfit couple, we mostly just hang around each other and most date activities besides sex, don’t include any physical activity besides light walking and a lot of food. I didn’t notice I was gaining weight until we were fooling around one night and I felt my belly resting more on his. It’s exciting the amount of weight I gained, but I’m also nervous because it was unintentional and there’s no telling how much more weight I’ll gain in this relationship since we’re both pretty serious about each other.
4 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

Mine was very unintentional I had never been one to wear leggings offer but one morning my jeans were alittle snug so I pulled out a pair or old leggings and that became the new normal then I had to go shopping for new jeans only to find I was 6! Sizes larger going from a ten to 16 over winter I didn’t think I was indulging as much as I was but now I’m bursting out of even my fat jeans!
4 years

Anyone gain a lot unintentionally?

Mine was very unintentional I had never been one to wear leggings offer but one morning my jeans were alittle snug so I pulled out a pair or old leggings and that became the new normal then I had to go shopping for new jeans only to find I was 6! Sizes larger going from a ten to 16 over winter I didn�t think I was indulging as much as I was but now I�m bursting out of even my fat jeans!

So Damn sexy!
4 years
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