
Thinking about posting exercise videos

Would that be something folks here would be interested in?
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

There are hundreds of fitness/gym/bodybuilding type forums. I think that would be a better place for such exercise videos.
A site dedicated to getting fat, maybe not really the best place.....
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

There are hundreds of fitness/gym/bodybuilding type forums. I think that would be a better place for such exercise videos.
A site dedicated to getting fat, maybe not really the best place.....

yeah I agree with @becomingoverweight.. I love exercise videos of large bodies. Especially when theres struggle and heavy breathing.
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

My apologies,
It wasn't obvious that the poster was a gainer, and I assumed wrongly that the OP was a fitness fan.
Yes, I also love to watch huge people 'pretending' to exercise, dance, and anything else that makes their flab wobble, it's a beautiful thing to watch.
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

My apologies,
It wasn't obvious that the poster was a gainer, and I assumed wrongly that the OP was a fitness fan.
Yes, I also love to watch huge people 'pretending' to exercise, dance, and anything else that makes their flab wobble, it's a beautiful thing to watch.

Yeah dude. I weigh 590 pounds lol. When/if I get started posting them they'll probably mostly be yoga videos
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

My apologies,
It wasn't obvious that the poster was a gainer, and I assumed wrongly that the OP was a fitness fan.
Yes, I also love to watch huge people 'pretending' to exercise, dance, and anything else that makes their flab wobble, it's a beautiful thing to watch.

Yeah dude. I weigh 590 pounds lol. When/if I get started posting them they'll probably mostly be yoga videos

Hah, nice job mate, I'd like to see it !
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

Regardless, this site is called fantasy feeder. Might be a better place to show elsewhere. My 2 cents worth. Not every fantasy can be offered here. Once we hit around 250 or so, any walking starts a sea of jigglingsmiley

Fitness doesn't necessarily mean I'm aiming for weightloss. I'm not going to be talking diet.
5 years

Thinking about posting exercise videos

Would that be something folks here would be interested in?

i love seeing really fat people (like yourself) struggle with their exercises -whether it's their own large bodies getting in the way, or their inability to lift/move as required. you may well be fit enough to perform the exercises, but if you want to play up the struggle aspect, i am sure it would appeal to a lot of us!
5 years