
Where do you want to travel to and why?

Japan outside of Tokyo and Okinawa
Baghdad once it's recovered.
Would also see more of Canada than just Whistler and Toronto.
Maybe sail the keys as I've never been south of miami.
3 years

Where do you want to travel to and why?

I'd love to travel, but when I could actually afford to travel my physical mobility didn't allow it, and conversely when my mobility did allow it I couldn't afford to travel. Now I'm at a stage in life where I can both afford to travel and have enough mobility, but I really don't want to travel alone due to my anxiety issues. Seems to always be one thing or another 😢
2 years

Where do you want to travel to and why?

Probably Florida. I'd love to gorge myself on buffets and feel small compared to the fatties around me. I'd love to pant for air as I have to walk my over fed body around the amusement parks stuffing myself with fried foods constantly til my belly sticks out. I'd love to struggle to stand back up after a ride because I'm so full. Just generally being a fat boy on vacation.
2 years

Where do you want to travel to and why?

I have a pretty big list, so I'll start with my highest priority, with some detail and list a few more without detail, othewise my post would resemble an extensive travel guide 😆.

Japan - I've been, and I love the natural beauty, fascinating culture, art and architecture, beautiful people and food! Last time I was there the family I was with found my size a compelling curiosity. Back then I was only 220 I felt like and was treated like a big hungry giant. I was way too young and naive to see the possibilities. This time, I'd go to a Ryokan somewhere near the mountains in Nagano. A good host never neglects you when it comes to food, not until you relent. Gochiso sama deshta. If you don't know now you know, who's coming with me lol. Single reservations aren't accepted.

No particular order:
Golden Eagle trans- siberian express.
Banff, Alberta Canada
Valpraíso, Chile
St. Petersburg
Dingle, Ireland
Anglia, London, South East, South West -UK
2 years

Where do you want to travel to and why?

Japan because I want to be a Sumo Wrestler
2 years
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