
Straight guy interested in male wg

I kind-of do. The thing is, I didn't gain because my wife specifically wanted me too (although she doesn't mind me being fat, as she is quite large herself).
I gained because I wanted to.
I do get a sexual kick out of it for sure.
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

OP, sounds like you're pushing yourself too hard to identify as straight, tbh. If you find male wg to be erotic and then say you have great sex with your wife as result, there's a good chance you're leaning more towards the bisexual space.

Your attraction to men seems to be solely on fat men, which is fine - that's a preference, everyone has physical preferences. But I'd seriously reconsider your reliance on thinking you're straight. You experience attraction to select male attributes.

Bisexual doesn't mean attracted to everyone, all the time. Seems to me you have limited attraction to men, based on weight. But you lean more towards women generally.

Anyways, just a suggestion to look deeper into your feelings, and learn more about yourself. I just feel you're overcompensating to adhere to the straight label, considering you put it both in the title and it's the first thing you said in your post.

I don't know about this, I could apply the same logic to any time a man watches porn that has another man on-screen. Sometimes there's just a vicarious thrill, and that's enough. No need to needlessly speculate on someone else's sexuality.
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

I don't know about this, I could apply the same logic to any time a man watches porn that has another man on-screen.

This is sort of true but what if the porn only had a guy and no woman?

Sexuality is a strange beast. I am definitely bi and enjoy seeing women gain but am not that interested in seeing guys get bigger unless it is as part of a couple.

At the end of the day labels are fairly pointless and mean different things to different people.
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

I'm in much the same situation. Reached an odd moment a few years ago when I realized that most of my fantasies didn't actually involve me. It was normally two or more women that I'd fantasize about getting fat, or seek out stories about, but there was never a place in any of that for me.

After a while I started to wonder why that should be, and realized that I probably would have preferred to have been female so was including myself in some unconscious level into those all-female fantasies. With that realization, and feeling that however much I might have preferred to have been born female real-life gender swapping isn't a practical option (for me), I started thinking about getting fatter with the body I already have. It had always been there at the back of my mind since childhood, but now it seemed more appealing, and I began to seek out XWG male-oriented stories.

But the problem there was that I was still reading about other men getting fat, and since I don't have an attraction to other men it felt uncomfortable - but there was an easy way to fix that. If I found a story that really struck a chord, I'd download it and replace the male character's name with my own. That one simple change has made such a difference, and in turn made male WG content even more exciting.

Similarly I can now look at images of huge fat men and know that it's not because I'm attracted to them - I'm attracted to the idea of my own body being as fat as theirs! It's been an interesting period of realization, but it's been perfectly possible to become heavily interested in male wg without being attracted to fat men at all - just envious of how fat some of them are!
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

Finally Fat:
Haha, a tv discusses what's valid.

Too funny.

Finally fat, there is nothing wrong with being trans but there is plenty wrong with being rude and prejudice.
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

No definitely not bi, only interested in sex with women. No problem with the gay or bi lifestyle, but it is not for me. No interest in gay porn or anything like that. Very happily married with a great sex life.

I think like someone else said, I identify with the gainer. Secondly, I am turned on by the idea of weight gain in general, man or woman. In real life, I am much more interested in checking out chubby women, especially the first 15-30 pounds and the tell tale sign of very tight clothing.

I can relate to your interest/fascination. I'm a casual gainer, with a BBW wife. I do love overweight and obese women, but I do like to see a guy with a huge belly. I like to think how I would look that overweight or fat. I'm straight, but love looking in the mirror admiring my latest gains.
5 years

Straight guy interested in male wg

Yea....I love women gaining weight especially my wife. I love everything about their gaining. Including every body part: Thighs, ass, but love handles Belly upper arms etcetc.

But I definitely can admire a big fat belly on a guy as well. But that is kind of where it ends. No other body parts accept the Belly. Anyone else tho k about it like this or agree? I guess Bellies are the ultimate with gaining.
5 years