Extreme obesity

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Defo a turn on. I'd always been fit before I gained, so had no idea how out of shape I'd get or how that would feel.
2 weeks

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

Not just that. Illness, job loss, death ... the list is long.

Hell, these past due months has seen an uptick in natural disasters, war, and terrorism. Not saying people need to live in fear. Just be aware that things can go tits up without any notice, and you need to be prepared

It always surprises me that so many people don’t plan for the worst case scenario. Maybe it’s because I grew up in California, where fire and earthquake preparedness are something you learn as little kids. Disaster could strike at any time, so you make contingency plans and then get on with life.

So, I don’t want to get fat enough that I can’t run while carrying two cat carriers long enough to get out of a burning house. (Which I can do right now. It’s not pleasant for anyone involved, but I can if I have to.)
2 weeks

Do you find the physical limitations of weight gain a turn on or a turn off?

During the first period of weight gain, I went from being a fit person with a lot of fitness (walking in the mountains, etc.) to someone who couldn't walk fast or even walk for a long time.

I gained over 30 pounds in three months, which put stress on my joints. It took me another 2 months for my body to get used to the new weight.

In later years, I didn't gain weight so quickly and the only thing I noticed was that I had to pull my belly out from above my thighs for comfort.
6 days
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