Lifestyle tips

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I guess I'd be a high 4 or 5?
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Also between 5 and 6, on my to becoming a 6
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I feel like 5,5. I dont hide my fat body in anything. And I dont want to hide it.
My belly bothers me a lot when tying shoes, cutting toenails, wearing socks, I am lifting something off the ground.
I breathe a lot up the hill and up the stairs. To and from the car is a bit of problem. It is almost impossible to get up from the chair. Small toilets and showers are also starting to be a problem.
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'm solidly a 4 right now I'd say
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I'm between a 5 and a 6.
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I’m 5’ 10” & 245 lbs. with a 51.5” belly. I think I’m in between 5.5 and a 6.
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Like Spinal Tap, I want my man to go up to 11, LOL 😂
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

4.5 at present but gaining so everyday things are getting a little harder
2 years

Stages of getting fat (body types)

I think I am definitely a 4 at this point. A year ago I was probably a 2...but I have gained quite a bit during quarantine. My bmi is considered overweight, and is actually just 10 pounds short of obese...but I don't think anyone would look at me and call me obese.

The only people who would dare to call you Obese is 98 pound losers who are obsessed with being thin and have well no life at all

keep it up you sexy thing
2 years