Fat experiences

First fat experience

i recently posted a picture on social media and many of my friends started talking about how much bigger i was shaping up to be. most of my accidental weight gain caused my ass to get pretty big and many of my friends kept on mentioning it & how much thicker i've gotten. i was surprisingly thrilled to hear their comments, and it was just what i needed to push me over to the edge and fully commit to gaining.

i want to get bigger though and have more people recognize my weight gain. Any tips on how make that happen? For now, I really would like a belly that hangs just a tad bit over my belt. I'd also like to get thicker all over, rounder face, thicker thighs, bigger ass. Please drop any tips, share your own first fat experiences, and if there's anyone who'd like to help encourage and motivate me, shoot me a message.
4 years

First fat experience

i recently saw my family.
mom said my face looked rounder (something i had not noticed before)

and dad made a comment something like “you have enough meat on your bones”

I was 16 pounds lighter when they saw me last.
kinda weird that they noticed cause i didn’t think it showed much at all when wearing the right clothes etc. but it was kinda nice at the same time to get some validation that i have in fact changed i the way i always had wanted, or atleast am heading that way.
i’m no expert, but lately ive been trying to make sure i’m always snacking or drinking something between meals.

i went to the dollar store to buy like10-20 snacky items at a time. i let my brain go wild but also check nutritional facts to see if theres enough calories to make it worth my time.

graze and drink a lot of sugary and or creamy drinks between main meals.
I like to munch on some doritos or some nutella dipped pretzels or just whatever i feel like eating, and just continuously fill my glass of sweet tea or coke or milk tea etc.

i think it helps stretch the stomach out to make more room for meals and gets you used to eating a lot.

i find that if i don’t have a snack or drink in my hand, my brain has almost trained itself to only focus on that until i get what it wants. almost like needing a fidget toy or something lol
4 years

First fat experience

I think that a key to weight gain is taking up "bad habits". Adding cream in your drinks, eating something because you feel a little bit hungry, or just because you feel like eating a particular meal right now no matter what time it is. Adding more butter or oil when you cook, eating more sauce... By taking up "bad" habits, you'll end up gaining weight without thinking much about it.
Also, when you are full, you can drink 1 or 2 big glasses of whatever you like (water, soda, milk...) to stretch out your stomach.
I also read somewhere that eating while watching tv can make you eat more, because you are distracted and you don't watch your plate as much as you would normaly (I have a hard time explaining it in english since it is not my first language, but you can google it if you want to know more about it).
Using bigger plates also tricks your brain into eating more.
That's all that comes to my mind for now. Good luck with your gaining !

thanks this helped a lot! i'm not a huge fun of stuffing sessions (or whatever they're called). i like the idea of a slower gradual gain and i think this will help with it. thanks! i'll definitely try some of what you're saying. thanks for the advice!
4 years