Feedback and suggestions

Can't watch videos

Hi, I can seem to watch any videos, the page opens but no video displays. I can see comments and the run time but no vid. These aren't premium vids either. Any idea?
4 years

Can't watch videos

I'm on Chrome with Android
4 years

Can't watch videos

Same here
4 years

Can't watch videos

Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. Sorry to hear you are having trouble viewing the video's on your devices.

We are aware of an issue with newer mobiles not being able to view the videos, and working hard to get this fixed. Can I ask you to confirm what device you are both using?

4 years

Can't watch videos

FF Team:
Hi, thanks for reporting this issue. Sorry to hear you are having trouble viewing the video's on your devices.

We are aware of an issue with newer mobiles not being able to view the videos, and working hard to get this fixed. Can I ask you to confirm what device you are both using?

Android galaxy s9

4 years

Can't watch videos

Galaxy S9 as well
4 years

Can't watch videos

I've just upgraded the video player. Please let me know if you're still having these problems.
4 years

Can't watch videos

It works, thank you
4 years

Can't watch videos

I've just upgraded the video player. Please let me know if you're still having these problems.


I can see the image for but not play videos in Firefox.

Any ideas?

4 years

Can't watch videos

Which browser and device are you using?
4 years
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