
Major do’s and don’ts for a new gainer!

When you start out you should develop a regime that you can keep to; remember you are in a marathon not a sprint. If you succeed you will never sprint again. I started with a month or two of gainer shakes (double cream, dextrose, favouring and a bit of milk). This doubled my daily calorie intake but I made sure I rang the changes as you will soon become bored of a particular flavour, even if you loved it to start, and you do not want your fattening to become a chore. This initial stage resulted in a noticable increase in my weight which was encouragement itself.

Then I gradually increased what I ate, how regularly I ate and the proportion of fast foods and sugary drinks in my diet. I also told myself that I could stop at any time I wanted if I did not like the size I was becoming. As it happened I never stopped.

At the start there were times when I ate when I really did not feel like it or I was already feeling full but I was determined to raise my calorie intake to over 5000 a day. If I fell behind on any particular day I made it up subsequently.

After about three or four months I seemed to have developed an appetite for what I was eating so if anything I ate more than my target. I also deveoped a craving for fast foods. I could not get enough of it.

I threw all my clothes away except those that were a little loose on me. I also bought a very limited range of clothes for daily wear in successively larger sizes and once they were tight on me I threw them away and wore the next size up. In this way it was not immediately noticable to those around me that I was gaining as much as I was. I only kept one set of clothes from when I was thin as a comparison from where I started out gaining.

While my weight gain has not been in a straight line. Inevitably there are times when you plateau and it is important not to lose heart. in the initial years I gained between about 50 and 70 pounds a year. My weight gain is slower now but I am a happy 28 stone and close to my next target of 400 pounds.

Good luck!
4 years