Fat experiences

Help other feedees

My boyfriend is my feeder and got me into being a feedee. I enjoy it a lot and happy see I'm getting bigger(slowly) I post on stuffer sometimes and I cant help but compare myself to other feedees. I see the popular ones and i know my boyfriend looks and keeps up with then and it makes me sad but I know it's just part of the fetish just enjoying the gain but I wish I could be desired like the others idk. How do yall get past the self esteem issues or ignore it? Idk..
4 years

Help other feedees

We come from two totally different angles. I'm a feeder/encourager who has worked hard at having his wife accept she's gained and is gaining weight.

One of the things I do to encourage that behavior is treat her like a queen. She is my all. Although I like to post her and on Curvage for the community, for the feeling of sharing this stuff, I'm not really into looking at other "models" precisely because if eve she would find out it would make her feel kind of insecure, not enough, or second rate.

So for me your feelings are what's normal, what's to be expected.

Also, looking at your profile you seem to feel you're not gaining enough but 232 lbs is a lot, especially at your height. You're officially Obese Class 2; you did very nice work on your body.

Empower yourself girl.
4 years

Help other feedees

Thank you and I need to update that cause I'm at 245 now. I just wish I didn't care or even just didn't know. But too late for that
4 years

Help other feedees

Maybe talk about it with him? Explain how it makes you feel.

If it seems to turn into a whole drama but you prefer staying with him you can turn it into a game; "how about every week/month/whatever I gain at least 1 lbs you look only at me?"
4 years

Help other feedees

I bring it up and he says he just like to see the others gains but like I feel that's worse and he swears I'm the one for him and I make him happy but I'm just self conscious and already feel I'm not good enough and it doesn't help I know who he looks at
4 years

Help other feedees

I don't find that very nice of him.

I understand he likes to see other gain as well. But if he understands how this makes you feel and then says "that's all well and good if it makes you feel that way but all I want is to also see others gain", to me that's not very loving towards you.

In my mind he should be counting himself lucky he has someone like you AND that you want to gain.

I'm not sure it's you who should have to be finding a way how to deal with these feelings instead of him.
4 years