From time to time her gain catches me be surprise.
She stood in the doorway naked before going to the shower. Her profile towards me her hand caressed from her thigh, tracing over her hip up to her belly. Her fattened profile surprised me, her belly has gotten so big it's as if she's putting most her weight there now. Foreshadowing before she took off her clothes she wore a navy blue dress which she looks so fertile wearing as she could pass for pregnant or just fat. During the day when I hugged her she felt firm like she bloated up all over her body, but was hiding it under her dress. The evening revealed that she really had gained after a solid labor Day week of eating and alcohol.
I couldn't help but think back to a year and a half ago when it finally sunk into her that she would keep gaining. She looked so cute when as she talked about how all the walking around in Italy was equaling out the calories she was hoarding. As she sat on the bed she fought to get on her yoga pants. The walking only toned up her muscles framing her fat from the increased calories. The realization hit her that she outgrew her yoga pants on the trip. She looked up at me with big surprised eyes confused and almost pleading at how fat she became in such a short time. She got over it once we got to the restaurant for breakfast. She indulged for the rest of the trip. Every good feeder gives their feedee what they really want.
She stood in the doorway naked before going to the shower. Her profile towards me her hand caressed from her thigh, tracing over her hip up to her belly. Her fattened profile surprised me, her belly has gotten so big it's as if she's putting most her weight there now. Foreshadowing before she took off her clothes she wore a navy blue dress which she looks so fertile wearing as she could pass for pregnant or just fat. During the day when I hugged her she felt firm like she bloated up all over her body, but was hiding it under her dress. The evening revealed that she really had gained after a solid labor Day week of eating and alcohol.
I couldn't help but think back to a year and a half ago when it finally sunk into her that she would keep gaining. She looked so cute when as she talked about how all the walking around in Italy was equaling out the calories she was hoarding. As she sat on the bed she fought to get on her yoga pants. The walking only toned up her muscles framing her fat from the increased calories. The realization hit her that she outgrew her yoga pants on the trip. She looked up at me with big surprised eyes confused and almost pleading at how fat she became in such a short time. She got over it once we got to the restaurant for breakfast. She indulged for the rest of the trip. Every good feeder gives their feedee what they really want.
3 weeks