Feedback and suggestions

New story additions vanished/rolledback


Yesterday I added a few pages to my story and kept up with it throughout the day. When I woke up, I noticed my new pages had disappeared, and the last updated time had been rolled back as if I've never posted.

I'll end up reposting the new content, as I have it saved. But, I can imagine a circumstance someone posted a story and lost it because of some mysterious site glitch.

Did the website get rolled back to a previous version? I was not made aware of any changes or anything to my story by admins. I am concerned an issue like this will happen again and I want to point this out.
4 years

New story additions vanished/rolledback

We moved servers yesterday and unfortunately had to lose 24 hours data in the process. This is just because it takes a few hours to back up the data and then transfer it to the new server. Please accept my apologies for this. However on the plus side we’re now on a server with twice the disk space and 10 times the bandwidth which allows us plenty of scope for expansion.
4 years

New story additions vanished/rolledback

We moved servers yesterday and unfortunately had to lose 24 hours data in the process. This is just because it takes a few hours to back up the data and then transfer it to the new server. Please accept my apologies for this. However on the plus side we’re now on a server with twice the disk space and 10 times the bandwidth which allows us plenty of scope for expansion.

Thank you for being transparent. smiley

I'm happy about the update on the site and I hope it brings in new features down the road.
4 years