Lifestyle tips


Its been a few months since I've been here. I gained weight last year and got to my high of 255. Because of some personal reasons, I decided to lose some weight. I'm down to 230.

I know I should probably continue to lose weight and my mind was there to do so, but now its not. Like a switch went off. I now wanna get fatter than I was before.

Has this happened to anybody else? How do you deal with the dilemma?
4 years


But why did you lose the weight, or want to? This is important in trying to figure out what to do.

Concerned about fitting in? Or that you may be too much larger than the average? I know a lot of folks feel like they have to lose weight because they're "supposed to" but their heart isn't in it.

But why do you want to gain again? Do you want to have a big appetite and be able to eat much more delicious food? Or do you like the feel of the extra mass?

I've had misgivings during the process and I think many others have had it too.

I don't know how helpful I'll be. For me it's been hard for me to get to a nearly "regular" weight. Sometimes I wonder what I've done to myself, but so far I like the changes. However, I'm only about 151 lbs as of this writing. I have a ways to go before I'm overweight and a long ways to go to obesity. So it's pretty clear that I would like to have some more weight. I know I wish I had a larger appetite so I could eat more delicious food, and of course in North America, at least if you're a man, it's better to be overweight than skinny.

But enough about me. What about you? If you're like most here, I suspect you'd rather be able to eat larger portions of delicious food.
4 years


The reason I started to lose weight was because I found myself unable to get an erection.

Since I've lost that weight, it's been better. I don't know if one is because of the other. Given my age, though, it likely is a factor.

I like to eat, I like being fat, I just don't want my sex life to be affected.
4 years


Aromatase is found in fat tissue. It converts testosterone to estrogen. The more fat you have the less testosterone/more estrogen you'll have.

Many obese men actually develop and need surgery for gynecomastia their estrogen levels are so high they start developing breasts.

Go to your doctor and they can prescribe you an anti-estrogen prescription like Anastrozole (Arimidex) or Letrozole (Femara).
4 years


It happens to me too. For a while a few months back I did lose about 10-15 lbs. but I like being fat so I’m going to gain some back. I think it’s natural for some people to waver on gaining and losing.
4 years


I'm pretty sure I don't have aromatase. I've never developed breasts. But who knows.
4 years


I'm pretty sure I don't have aromatase. I've never developed breasts. But who knows.
Everyone has aromatase; it's a common enzyme. Those that are obese have more of it. Get a hormonal panel done and I guarantee your E2 and Test numbers are screwed.
4 years


Well, I've given in to my temptations. I'm eating like I was before I lost weight...and maybe a bit more 😘.

We'll see where I wind up, weight wise. I'll also update how things are going with my initial dilemma...the inability to get errect. So far, so good. Haha.
4 years