Fat experiences

Do you like to be carried/lifted?

the last time I was lifted when I weighed 246lbs, right now I'm much bigger and weight 315 lbs and no one can lift me from my friends
4 years

Do you like to be carried/lifted?

My ex tried to lift me a few times but couldn’t get me off the ground lmao.

I can
4 years

Do you like to be carried/lifted?

My ex tried to lift me a few times but couldn’t get me off the ground lmao.

Baba Yaga:
I can

You think? You know how huge I am. 😉

I dont think, I know.

*drops down to one knee and flexes*

4 years

Do you like to be carried/lifted?

I like to be lifted (a preference recently gained) and I like either done so by a slim and weak lady.
But I spent my Fahood so far with a passion to carry my big lady. I still remember cradle lifting a 100kg/220 lbs lady friend for the first time. Previously I couldn't carry more than a 90 kilo lady.
After that day, I mastered it and it was easy to do it standing with her when she was over 100kg and it was hot.
I was lucky to lift a few above 100 kilo ladies unfortunately none above 125 kilo since the heaviest lady I know has been around that weight. A lady I know recently around 115 did request to lift her as part of the foreplay and it was hot doing so.
And yes it is lovely when they collapse in bed and you see/hear it suffering by the newly added weight.

jcmssbbw I have seen your challege about 20 years to late - it would have been great to have tried that while I was in the UK.

StarSmoke I would love to carry you.
4 years