Lifestyle tips

Experimenting advice

I’m going to join the 12% ish camp. I don’t know if 12% is a magic number for some reason, but I recently gained about 12% of my starting weight. I was of “normal” BMI before, and now I’m technically “overweight”.

Honestly, I really like it, as does my partner. It’s not the largest I’ve ever been, but it’s close (Just 5 lbs less), and it’s pushing the comfort limit of most of my wardrobe. Like clothes still fit, but I’m MUCH more aware of my less-thin shape, both visually and physically.

I’ve seen this advice from others: pay attention to how you feel about your size, and how those feelings correlate to arousal.

When I gained before, I liked being a little bigger when I was turned on, but I wished I was smaller a lot of the rest of the time (often experiencing regret about my size immediately after... peak arousal). I ended up losing weight because of lifestyle change (mostly related to activity during my josmiley, but at the time, I was glad I did.

Now, however, I like my size like 99% of the time. Sometimes after “peak” arousal, I’m glad I’m not *bigger*, but that feeling usually fades in a couple hours.

I don’t know if I’m going to gain more, but I know that for me, now is not the right time to intentionally gain more. But more importantly, I know this has been a positive experiment, and one that I’m grateful I had the opportunity and support to indulge.

(For context, my partner is not into this fetish, but supports me being the size I want, and likes dad bods, which is what I’m rocking now).
3 years

Experimenting advice

I definitely think the experiment is worth a try. If you're having difficulty, I highly recommend heavy whipping cream.

I have wanted to be fat ever since I was a teenager, but had a sky-high metabolism that just wouldn't cooperate. Heavy whipping cream worked beautifully. I started gaining at 166 pounds, and now weigh 283 pounds. I gained all the weight over the course of two years.
3 years
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