
Vacation fattening!

It really depends on what kind of vacation it is.

Cruises and other kinds of all-inclusive vacations with unlimited buffets or other kinds of food can be a good opportunity.

If I knew I was going on one, I might try to prepare by near daily stuffings a week or two beforehand in an effort to expand appetite and capacity to really put it away. I'd also pack clothes in a size up just in case.

But given it's Thanksgiving on Thursday, I suspect what you mean is to visit family somewhere. Parents, aunts, uncles, cousin's place, etc. Hopefully there will be a lot of food there.

Carbs tend to digest a bit more quickly, so making a point to snack on cookies and other sweet baked goods 2-3 times an hour should be doable.

I find eggnog disgusting, and a waste of perfectly good heavy cream and eggs but if you do like it, might want to try having that later in the day, after dinner.

Booze is common at family gatherings, and on all-inclusive vacations. If you drink enough, I've read your body will prioritize metabolizing the alcohol. Alcoholic beverages by themselves don't have that many calories, so what's key is to make sure you eat and snack while you are drinking. This means calories you eat are more likely to end up as weight gain. Only you know your body.. when I drink I eat less, but some find it very easy to eat more.

I don't know if it's tradition for you to help prepare food, or if they usually purchase too many ingredients. If they do purchase too many ingredients, it's a sin to let it go to waste! This could mean you may be able to sneak a few gulps of cream and half & half.

Also remember that even if you ate a lot of solid food, you can typically still consume more liquids.

I hope you have stretchy, flowy dresses and stretchy skirts. Jeans are usually not stretchy, although more and more stretchy ones are available for sale. You'd want to avoid clothes that constrict your belly and make it more difficult to overeat.

I don't know if you participate in Black Friday shopping but if so, it'll be important to get snack and takeout food. Not only to keep your energy up, but it will help you expand while you're shopping for bigger clothes.

Regardless of anything else, before you sleep you should try to make sure your stomach is very full. That feeling where you felt like you really overate, but not to the point where you might throw up (that's not fun and also defeats the purpose). Ideally, you would also be tipsy to drunk.

I hope this helps.
4 years

Vacation fattening!

I just went on a cruise and I came back so bloated and probably a few pounds heavier.
4 years

Vacation fattening!

My wife and I have a cruise coming up next week and I'm trying to maximize my gains as well. I've been binging on all of the leftover baked goods for the holidays and drinking heavy cream for the last two weeks. I'm hoping that it will stretch my stomach a bit and give me a larger capacity for stuffing.

I've already put on 3 lbs and we haven't even left yet šŸ˜….

If you can keep that up, it's gonna be insane.

On these all-inclusive vacations, you wouldn't have a care in the world. Should be easy to really eat and end up gaining at least a pound a day.

You might also have a residual additional gain after the vacation is over, too.

Are you going to pack some larger clothes? I think you might want to, just in case.
4 years

Vacation fattening!

Go with a fat friend.

Years ago I was following someone on ff who was in the ā€œnormalā€ weight range before going on a three week vacation to Florida with a fat friend. The friend warned her that she would gain weight if they went together, but she didnā€™t believe it. They were staying across the street from a donut store. They were eating like crazy and by the final two weeks, every day after breakfast they would buy a dozen donuts and consume them through the day. I think on the last day they even bought two dozen and each consumed a whole dozen in a single day.

Bottom line, she came back with a big round belly and almost 20 extra pounds.

I remember that. Just can't remember her name.
And then there was Plenty who gained 18 lbs in 13 days on a cruise.Good memories
4 years