
Tricked into becoming a fat pig

You are living a life of wonder.

Just relax.

Get comfortable.

Enjoy the decadence that so many only dream of.

So awesome -- near perfect scenario. It's almost like she used your fetish against you. Perhaps she realized your fat fetish was for real and she had captured you with her soft charms. She knew you wouldn't be going anywhere. Maybe she was a bit shy about her attractions before or didn't even let herself dwell on them. But when she realized how smitten you were, her confidence soared and her true self came out -- subconsciously at first and then more and more consciously. Turns out she likes fat guys ... so guess what's in store for you smiley

i asked her to read this response, and her answer was just an evil laugh, lol!

something about that line "used your fetish against you" is just very, very exciting, and i am not even sure why?

Sounds like she's planned an appropriate grand finale to a the feeding adventure you had beforehand, and you're in loving, but firm, hands. Apparently she likes you, so it's time to take you off the feeder market and have you take a seat at the table with her.

But she's no ordinary feeder. She's an SSBBW, so she knows fat. She can show you the ropes. She knows what to expect and she won't be surprised or freak out when your gut starts hanging lower, your face softens, and you start jiggling more. She already knows what you'll be experiencing and feeling. Sounds like you can confidently relax in her hands smiley
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

You ask what you got into and you already answered the question.
If you enjoy the attention and things are good then why try to change it?
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

You are living a life of wonder.

Just relax.

Get comfortable.

Enjoy the decadence that so many only dream of.

yes, i am surely enjoying it.. it is only when i have a moment of realization, like when i wake a see my dome of a belly in front of me, that i wonder, how did this happen?

she delights in my transformation, and taunts me with what to expect in the future - the latest being how she expects to see me waddling by the end of the summer!
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

just a quick update... i am now 100 lbs heavier than before my gain. my gf has casually thrown out the idea of 300 lbs as a new milestone, which would be double the weight i was around the time we met!
i feel powerless to do anything to avoid it, to be honest.
and i think i really may be past the point of no return. while working from home for the last little while, i thought i would try and eat healthy/eat less while di was still going out to work... but i can't resist the junk food, the treats! i have a normal portion of something, and then immediately i go and have double that (or triple)! it's like i have been conditioned.
i guess 300 here i come?
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

just a quick update... i am now 100 lbs heavier than before my gain. my gf has casually thrown out the idea of 300 lbs as a new milestone, which would be double the weight i was around the time we met!... i guess 300 here i come?

You're going to be 300 before you know it... but your gf probably has even bigger plans for you:
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Afterwards, I wondered, is your new belly a major erogenous zone? If your girl strokes it, do you get an electric charge and instant arousal?

my belly isn't an erogenous area for me really, i don't think. i think the feeling of being stuffed, and the thought of that, and the association with sex (which has become part of our day-to-day routine) is more of it. when she touches my tummy, or squeezes it, or pokes it, i think it triggers those mental connections, more than physical ones...

if that makes any sense?
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Any special, aha moments you could share? Like, maybe you went to a family gathering at Christmas, 50 pounds heavier than the last time some of your relatives had seen you. Maybe you got funny looks, comments, or even a poke or two in the belly.

there have been a lot! not only have i gotten out of shape and fat, but i moved cities - when i go back "home" and i see people, often friends that i would work out with at the gym, it is always mind-blowing for them. the variety of comments is pretty wide, depending on the personality of the individual. some won't bring themselves to call you "fat" even when you obviously are! lol! where others are comfortable enough with me, they will squeeze my belly (to see if it's real?) and joke about what a hog i have become.

my extended family is a little more concerned than amused, but other than a few questions like, "so when are you going to renew your gym membership?" they have mostly avoided the elephant in the room. smiley

BTW, love your latest pic with the belly on the sink. What can you tell us about your SSBBW girl?

my lady di was a ssbbw when i met her maybe a year and a half ago. i think she was around 450 lbs at that time, and she gained a little weight while we were dating and indulging. she has a physical job, so she has been trying to lose some weight, and succeeding.

now she talks about how i am finding the weight she is loosing, lol. since i hit 250 lbs she has been very vocal about seeing me make it to 300. she has also been a little more forceful in what i eat, when, and how much - especially since i have been working from home due to covid-19.

i am not complaining at all, mind you!
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

Wow...450...she is a big girl. Sorry if this is a really dumb question. With her weight and your extra 100 pounds, does sex get challenging? I mean difficult to perform.

certain positions and things are more challenging, but there's still lots of options. smiley i think the most noticeable impact is just how out of shape i am - i get tired and winded a lot more easily now it seems, whereas i used to be more like the energizer bunny (perhaps i am dating myself with this reference? lol)
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

You're going to be 300 before you know it... but your gf probably has even bigger plans for you:

when i initially read this, i thought it was a wild exaggeration. to get to 300 lbs seemed like it would take serious, dedicated effort...

...but now i find i am already a little over 260, and 300 seems like a milestone that is not quite as far away as i originally though!

oh my...
4 years

Tricked into becoming a fat pig

now i find i am already a little over 260, and 300 seems like a milestone that is not quite as far away as i originally thought!

oh my...

As you get bigger, it gets easier to gain and harder to lose. Even to maintain you’d need to workout regularly. So you’re on a path to 300... And your feeder gf is in control of your gains as well as her own size.

One huge milestone to come is if you weigh more than her due to her loss and your gain. “weight transfer” is a very powerful bond that once confirmed will propel her continued loss as well as your gains.

You could end up a huge fatty with a slender, fit partner.
4 years
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