Fat experiences

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I put on about about 60 lbs in 2 years. It was a steady gain but seemed quick as I was getting new clothes and outgrowing then and there was noticeable difference. That was about a year ago now and I’ve not gained. I’ve gained a few lbs, lost a few but overall I haven’t gotten any bigger. My appetite has only increased since that time so I don’t know exactly what to do. I’m currently 280lbs and the 300lbs mark is so close and I want to get back to gaining quicker to reach it.

Anyone any tips on some ways to get out of this phase of not gaining?
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I reached a plateau a few times and did not gain any for quite a while.
I just kept on my plan and started to gain again.
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I'm in this situation as well, and there is one big thing you need to consider. Sure your appetite has increase, but are you maintaining a caloric surplus on top of regular meals? Consistency is key to gaining, and it is very easy to lose.

There are two ways I see you can go about this. One is to dial back your caloric intake and allow time for your metabolism to adapt to fewer input calories. But remember, your metabolism will eventually readjust when you start goin full hog again.

The second way, simply up your daily intake. It's a brutish way to go about it to be quite honest. Plus it will drain the pocket book quite fast.

Which ever way you decide to go about it, always consider your macronutriets. Aim for high carb or fat percentages; you're seeking the caloric surplus that promotes storage. But if you can't keep it consistent, you won't go far.
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I got diabetes, which makes it difficult to gain weight smiley
4 years

Anyones gaining slowed down?

I got diabetes, which makes it difficult to gain weight smiley

How does that work?
4 years