
Comparison photos

I know a lot of people really enjoy comparison pictures, and it's something I love to do myself too. But what aspect of them do you enjoy? Do you prefer the extreme beginning and end or the gradual changes?

I've been purposely taking comparison pictures every time I got a milestone, always as close to the previous as possible and at the same angles each time because there's something about an exact comparison that I find more pleasing than general pictures, and when it's a regular thing you can kind of slideshow it so watch your gain happening in front of you!
4 years

Comparison photos

My favorite things are comparison pics. The before & afters. I think it was because of all of those weight loss commercials that ran on TV when I was a kid. I loved comparing them though I mentally flipped which one was before and which was after for my own benefit. lol.

Now it's all I do is look at my befores and compare them with me now.
4 years

Comparison photos

I love comparison pics mainly because they show a journey, a definite growth, even when you feel like you've slowed or plateaued. For me, it provides motivation when I see how small I used to be and how big I am now, or much bigger I am since last time I took a pic. Sometimes the scale barely budges, but I can see that have gained alot more fat.
4 years

Comparison photos

I love seeing them. Someone above mentioned gradual changes over the noticeable ones, and I can't agree more. It's so much fun to see someone's journey over X amount of time and comparing their after picture to what they could look like when more time has passed. Especially when they themselves are talking about how much change they've noticed in themselves. Ugh. So cute.
4 years

Comparison photos

You know what's the advanced version of comparison photos? Time lapse videos!

Too bad no one created a weight gain timelapse video yet.

There are time lapse videos about pregnancy and about hair growth. I didn't find any about weight gain.

It would be nice if anyone found the patience to do one.
4 years