
I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

Mainly, I'm just trying to get a new job. But whether it could possibly bite me in the ass later on. So I wonder if anyone else is worried about this?

It's partly the reason why I have never posted any pictures, in spite of having had a profile for 13 years and an ID number that's only 4 digits.

I do see that some folks simply post body profile pictures without a face. Is this reasonably safe, or is there something I'm missing?

It seems like it would be a shame if I didn't post pictures of myself growing wider and thicker.
4 years

I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

If in any doubt then you are better not to include your face. Also I agree with FigureBySnacks that a generalised location is best.
4 years

I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

For a long time I felt uncomfortable about posting any pictures on the site because of my job. There’s a lot of social media involved with it and putting yourself out there in the public. I have a lot of tattoos but I try not to show them in my photographs, which sucks because it limits the type of photographs i can take of myself. I just feel that with stuff like this it’s really important for me to separate pleasure and work. the drawings I have on my page are ones I haven’t shown to anyone in person, they are even drawn in a different style from what I usually do.
4 years

I want to post pictures but worried for professional reasons... anyone else like this?

I am absolutely paranoid when it comes to this. I had a guy stalk me online many years ago. Despite my attempts to hide my identity, he somehow managed to find me and message me on all my other social media accounts. It really freaked me out.

Ever since, I've been extremely hesitant to post pictures of myself on websites like this. I also work in a professional setting and would be horrified if any of my colleagues found out. I could also lose my job. As a precaution, I don't put my current employer on any of my social media accounts.

That's why I don't post photos of myself. If I were financially independent and didn't need to care about anyone finding out, I'd post photos of myself in a heartbeat. In the meantime, I think it's better to be safe than sorry.
3 years