
The next generation

Because I felt the desire to grow immensely fat from an early age, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if my kids, nieces, or nephews tell me they want to get fat too. Has anyone here dealt with this? How did you handle it? Have you been an observer to this?
4 years

The next generation

Well, my son is fat and seems to like being so. I have never discussed it with him so don't know if he has the same fetish as me. I would say not but I suppose as my wife and I are also fat and his partner does not seem to mind it, being fat is certainly not a problem for him.
4 years

The next generation

I would like to make it clear that I am talking about an adult here (my son). Hopefully anyone else responding will not discuss minors.
4 years

The next generation

There is nothing sexual about this. It's about how to answer the question of "why are you so fat?". Obviously one does not discuss topics of sex with kids.
4 years

The next generation

Lets please keep this on topic, OP was not referring to sexual conduct with minors. This is about body image, and the effect of having a bigger person in your life as a family member or friend that may impact how you view fat people, or their own body.

I definitely feel that as my mum was big, I never found being fat an issue and it sort of made my overeating and larger size ok growing up. I wasn't pressured into losing weight or dieting. I think I would have turned out very differently if I had over bearing thin parents who hated fat people. Dealing with that and dealing with bullies at school would have been to much and probably would have succumbed to societal pressure of trying to fit in and losing weight.
4 years