
Quarantine gain

Going to try and consistently use Zora's 10fl oz method for two weeks and see what the gain is like on top of my regular diet. Don't wanna overdo it loosing is harder than gaining though I doubt I'd want to loose it lol. I don't know how you all digest quarts of cream wish I could smiley
3 years

Quarantine gain

Weight gain update: May 8, 2021

Sorry for the late update. I got caught up with things yesterday and forgot to post my results.

I weighed myself today and my suspicions have been confirmed. I am still at 266 pounds.

I had asked someone about this in another post, and my experience confirms what people said in their replies. Being lighter than your previous high weight does not provide any protection from plateaus.

Despite having weighed 295 pounds in the past, I have slammed into a plateau at 266 pounds, and have not yet managed to break through that. I have one more week of gaining left in my current cycle, and then I'm taking a break.

I'll post my last update for the cycle next week, and we'll see if I can push through the plateau during that time.
3 years

Quarantine gain

Weight gain update - Friday, May 14, 2021.

The plateau is still going strong. I did not gain any weight since my last weigh-in, and I actually lost a pound. I now weigh 265 pounds. This marks the end of this current gaining cycle. I went from 244 pounds to 265 pounds, for a total gain of 21 pounds this cycle. I am going to take a break, and see if it helps me get through this plateau.

My next weight gain cycle starts on Friday, May 21.
2 years

Quarantine gain

I’m up 16 pounds since quarantine started and loving every a bit of it
2 years
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