Fat experiences

Weight gaining.

Has anyone out there gaining and then losing it all afterwards? How did that work out for you?
4 years

Weight gaining.

I gained and lost... but then regained it all quickly, haha. Its sooo hard to keep weight off... I just get so hungry and fatten right back up.
4 years

Weight gaining.

I gained over 100 pretty quickly, then lost 80 a few years ago because of lack of access to take out every night. A speedy regain occurred a year later once take out was back on the menu and it seemed like more of the regained weight was located to my belly than the first time.
4 years

Weight gaining.

I gained around 35 pounds a few times when I was younger and lost it very quickly. This is actually the first time in my life that I've gained a lot of weight and haven't lost a pound.
4 years

Weight gaining.

Has anyone out there gaining and then losing it all afterwards? How did that work out for you?

I don't lose it all. As I gain weight, my body's set point increases. If I'm between gaining cycles, I might lose ten pounds, but that's it. My body will stay at the set point until I start gaining again and am able to push past the plateau.
3 years

Weight gaining.

Has anyone out there gaining and then losing it all afterwards? How did that work out for you?

I don't lose it all. As I gain weight, my body's set point increases. If I'm between gaining cycles, I might lose ten pounds, but that's it. My body will stay at the set point until I start gaining again and am able to push past the plateau.

I haven't lost weight. I, too stayed at a set point until I go to another plateau in weight. This year, I'm planning on reaching a plateau weight.
3 years