Feedback and suggestions

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Not only is $10 a month a horrible deal for people who only come here for stories, but now half or more of the front page of Stories is premium content. Please fix this.

To support one of the most genre-centric and open sites out there, paying less than you do for Hulu hardly seems like an over-ask. I'd take this over Hulu any day lol. Wish there was a way to open this genre up to be more mainstream, but for now we have to support it ourselves, or else see it die.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

That all said though, it might not be a bad idea to have a different set of filter options for properly subscribed members, such as an option to ignore what content is premium rather than having it overwhelm the front pages. I mean, my understanding is that premium content only gets paid if an unsubscribed member subscribes in order to view it. What then is the point of advertising it to already-subscribed members?
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Someone compared the paid stories to ads. No. Just no. I have to scroll through stories that aren’t worth it to pay for to find ones that are free. Ads on GOOD websites are off to the side and non intrusive.

Either get a better payment plan for stories or move em off to the side so people don’t feel pressured to be ripped off to read a decent story.

One of the best stories on here is Too Big to Handle, one of the best I’ve ever read actually. Not worth $10 a month still.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Someone compared the paid stories to ads. No. Just no. I have to scroll through stories that aren’t worth it to pay for to find ones that are free. Ads on GOOD websites are off to the side and non intrusive.

Either get a better payment plan for stories or move em off to the side so people don’t feel pressured to be ripped off to read a decent story.

One of the best stories on here is Too Big to Handle, one of the best I’ve ever read actually. Not worth $10 a month still.

Why don't you try using the search filter to change how the stories are displayed. If you simply change the 'sort by section on the search form to *newest* then you don't get the recommended search results, which includes a lot of premium content. It might be a better way for you to filter through this section.

I'd also advise you to follow the free / and your favourite story authors so that you get notifications when something new is updated or added to this section. Again this would stop you having to scroll through as much.

The premium content is not there to pressure people into subscribing... For someone like yourself it may not be worth it. But for many of our members, unlimited views for stories, pics, videos and all premium content is a great deal. You get more content for your buck, and the content is regularly updated every single month. It literally works out as 33¢ a day for all existing content and all future content that's uploaded here.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

That all said though, it might not be a bad idea to have a different set of filter options for properly subscribed members, such as an option to ignore what content is premium rather than having it overwhelm the front pages. I mean, my understanding is that premium content only gets paid if an unsubscribed member subscribes in order to view it. What then is the point of advertising it to already-subscribed members?

Story authors get commission for new content, and for repeat subscriptions. A lot of our authors update there stories weekly rather than uploading a completed story in one go. So it is important to still have these premium stories visible.

I would like to state that, the premium stories are not advertisements. It was a comparison. As in, when you scroll through facebook and google ad's recommends that hat you've been looking to buy for 2 weeks. Do you feel compelled to buy it or do you just ignore it and carry on with what you are doing?

You can change the sort by settings on the search form to 5 other settings other than recommended. To get the newest stories, and filter out some of the premium simply change it from 'recommended' and you will see the listings change. If you have cookies enabled, this search will also save so next time you visit the page it will come up with 'newest first' or whatever sort by setting you choose. Which will bypass the recommended results every time, filtering out a lot of the premium content.
4 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

I think it’s disgusting that u make money on people’s sexual desires. It’s not like that they can help them. It’s just as bad as if someone charged u to eat food or go to the bathroom

Is that redundant? People do get paid to eat and excrete to get others off
3 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

I don't read premium stories. I have no problem with those who post them or pay for them.

On the other hand I have written some stories, and I posted those free.

That said, let's not be disingenuous. There is no sort choice that puts Premium content to the end or eliminates it from the choice. The reason for that is for the Premium content listings to entice you to pay for content. It is for make you see the descriptions as an enticement, in short it is advertisement.

I don't have a problem with how it is done, but let's not falsely describe it.

Don't imagine either that the free content is not supporting the site either. Most of the people who come here are not joining immediately. They come here for the free content first and would never have stayed here long enough to join if the free content was not here.

So three cheers for the free content providers.
3 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Don't like it, don't pay for it. But don't whine about people who are willing to support creators who are using their personal time to make content for everyone needing to be compensated for it. Do you realize how much LESS content there would be over all if people could not monetize or have an incentive?? Don't pay creatives with "exposure". It's tacky.

Do you pay for cable TV? For movies? For books? Same concept, yo.

I completely agree with this, it's quite simple. I'll never understand why people throw hissy fits for seeing premium content on this site. Even people who whine about message limits or picture viewing limits. If you don't want limits, pay for it and support content creators and/or to keep the site going. If you don't want to, there's no point in whining about it.
3 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

Don't like it, don't pay for it. But don't whine about people who are willing to support creators who are using their personal time to make content for everyone needing to be compensated for it. Do you realize how much LESS content there would be over all if people could not monetize or have an incentive?? Don't pay creatives with "exposure". It's tacky.

Do you pay for cable TV? For movies? For books? Same concept, yo.

I do like you. A lot. And no I don’t pay for music or movies or tv. I use my landlords WiFi to torrent TV shows I like. Not much of a movie watcher. I would just expect that you pose on the internet to satisfy your biological needs just how I jerk off to your pics to satisfy mine.

Honestly, all you're doing is making me want to turn my stuff premium, Mr. Mooch.😂🤷🏻‍♀️

You found the classic "broke bitch" haha
3 years

Yo, can you stop making 90% of the stories premium content?

I've found nearly Zero Premium Stories when I was upgraded that were as good as the authors who post free. None of my absolute favorite authors post Premium. And I was recognized by FF as the most frequent reviewer of stories a few months ago. Trust me Figure.You are getting All the best stories for Free!
3 years
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