Fat experiences

Fill in a bathtub?

Hi, I'm really curious if anyone has filled in a bathtub with there fatπŸ’—
Like almost completely filled out
4 years

Fill in a bathtub?

Well im working on it another 50 or 60 ponds should get me there. Ill post pics of it when it happens.
4 years

Fill in a bathtub?

I'm not nearly big enough to completely full a bathtub with fat, but I found out the hard way I'm almost too big for the average sized tub. At least for the purpose of taking an actual bath. It seemed more of me was above the water than in it πŸ˜‚
4 years

Fill in a bathtub?

My exwife took a bath and pulled the plug. Only the water from the front half of the tub drained out.
4 years

Fill in a bathtub?

Naw. My butt just acts like a dam for the tub
3 years

Fill in a bathtub?

Just installed a really large bath to overcome the problem. Gut still projects well above the rim when lying back though!
3 years