
Coworker impressions

I was at the grocery store last night picking up some fattening odds and ends and a coworker who I haven't seen in 4 or 5 months spotted me. As we chatted for awhile I couldn't help but notice how she repetitively kept looking at my overhanging belly. My belly looks huge with a dress shirt and tie. She looked like she put on a few pounds with this covid thing but I know I'm obviously much fatter.

Anyone else had their difference in size noticed?
3 years

Coworker impressions

I've experienced the opposite actually. This girl that was in my graduating class put on the freshman 15, maybe even a little more. When I saw her for the first time after she gained, I found myself trying really hard to avoid staring at her body and stuff.

Somewhat similar but there was this girl who I worked with for about 2 years at a local pizza place who always took home no shows and returns. Can probably imagine what happened
3 years

Coworker impressions

I was at the grocery store last night picking up some fattening odds and ends and a coworker who I haven't seen in 4 or 5 months spotted me. As we chatted for awhile I couldn't help but notice how she repetitively kept looking at my overhanging belly. My belly looks huge with a dress shirt and tie. She looked like she put on a few pounds with this covid thing but I know I'm obviously much fatter.

Anyone else had their difference in size noticed?

I've had a couple co-workers mention my weight. One of them was my manager, who just wanted to make sure I was okay because I had gotten bigger very quickly.

The other co-worker who mentioned something was just curious as to why I had gotten so much larger than when I started the job at 166 pounds. I didn't tell her the true story. I made up a B.S. story about medication.
3 years