

I’m really in the fence about gaining again. I was at 220 last year but now I’m down to 175, on one hand I love gaining, being fat, ect. However I’m worried about the social consequences.
Can I get a weigh in from some fatties
3 years


I’ve got 100 lbs on you and struggle with the same issue. I’ve learned this week that size in this community seems to be very relative. Several people even called me small.
I would really like to go crazy with the gaining but unless I lock down a partner first, it’s only small bursts for me right now. As fun as it is to grow I can just imagine what it would be like to do it together.
Not that this helps, but just some thoughts.
3 years


I’ve had a sneaking suspicion that my girlfriend is trying to fatten me up (she weight 200 pounds) and we introduced food in the bedroom she fed me I fed her and it was super sexy. I saw some of your pics and I’ve read some of your posts how’d you gain so much.
3 years


Mostly unintentional over the past 14 years in school and other training. Last 15lbs or so are Corona weight and downtime. I only decided to actively gain last week. Only a couple pounds to show for it but that could just be water weight and what not. Waiting for the 2 week weigh in!

Would love to hear what she says if you ask her what will happen if you gain weight. Good luck!
3 years


Ooo how exciting
3 years


I’m really in the fence about gaining again. I was at 220 last year but now I’m down to 175, on one hand I love gaining, being fat, ect. However I’m worried about the social consequences.
Can I get a weigh in from some fatties

I understand where you're coming from. Being a fat admirer is really a niche preference. Even if someone is attracted to fat people, that person may be too embarrassed to admit it or act on it.

At 39 years of age, every single romantic relationship I have been in has ended. Do you know what never ended? My desire to fat.

Having those romantic experiences made the decision easier for me. At the end of the day, the choice was between having a fat body that I would enjoy all of the time, versus a possible romantic relationship that I might enjoy. It was an easy decision for me to make.

After gaining 117 pounds, I have zero regrets. I love being fat, and my fat body is amazing. Gaining weight has been a very fulfilling experience for me, and I look forward to gaining even more.

By the way, I loved your pun "...weigh in from some fatties." smiley
3 years