Fat experiences

Something weird my ex-feeder said

It's called body contrast in the community and fairly common. Although going to an anorexic level is not a healthy way to express that.

We all take risks of course and this fetish by its nature isn't healthy for our bodies, but depriving nutrition isn't common place in body contrast.
3 years

Something weird my ex-feeder said

the contrast thing definitely exists (I'm a feeder so I get it) but taking it to such extremes is not great! if she got anorexic she probably would have made you huge .. I don't think that's very healthy or sustainable ...
3 years

Something weird my ex-feeder said

I used to be into contrast. My ex was a 345 lb feedee who used to demand a six pack of abs on me while eating a six pack of rolls. It was fun that at 9 percent body fat this huge blubbery girl would publicly fat shame me. The looks at the Cheesecake Factory we hot were great lol.
But I am a mutual gainer now, so much is different with my new girl lol
3 years