
I feel like this can be a lonely kink

You're not wrong.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

Yeah, I know the feeling. Well, it might be due to the place I live.

Because I met many wonderful people from across the planet, but nearby is just impossible.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

I can definitely relate.

Personally it's gotten harder for me with age (I'm mid 30s now). When you're young you have a naive almost certainty that one day "in the future" you'll find that one person in a million who will finally make you feel complete and happy. But time is a relentless bitch and before you know it years have passed, and you realise that you're now "in the future", but you're still alone, and that your loneliness is more than likely permanent.

Trying to make peace with that, and finding a reason to go on without the hope you once had, is soul crushingly difficult.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

It's a fairly lonely place, however if you are active in the online community and use spaces like this to find or arrange small IRL meets it becomes easier.

Also be open with sexual partners who might fit your type but not your kink. It's surprising how often happier memories of meal times in people's youths/infancy can often translate to some kind of feeding/gaining kink that is just not manifested.

Not everyone finds a perfect match in life but, a fear of actively seeking it can be a significant barrier.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

Plenty of people local to me has this kink. I just cant stand them and they cant stand me.

Oh well :-)
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

I have definitely found this to be an extremely lonely lifestyle and have learned a lot from it. Ultimately I have found that any feeder I talk woth will Ultimately up and leave rather that be days, weeks, or months.

I love the lifestyle of being a feedee, but there are simply not enough female feeders and it is extremely difficult to begin communication with those that are around. Usually I find myself talking more with other feedees.

Frankly though it is just like many other alternate lifestyles or fetishes where finding relatable and meaningful relationships can be difficult.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

I agree that it can add to the loneliness in life.

Obviously there is the issues of finding a partner or not and whether they share your kink.

But also it can kind of alienate you from those around you. It can be a big part of who we are, but not something we can usually talk about much with friends or family, and some of what interests them or which they consider important is less apt to resonate with us. So that creates some distance from people we are supposed to be close with. And people you can talk about it with are often long distance to you, so those friendships don't offer quite all that an in-person one does.

And that was just based on feelings. If your kink is part of why you are fat, or have a fat partner, there is the social fatphobia and just day to day obstacles that can keep you from being as involved in a lot of activities.
3 years

I feel like this can be a lonely kink

Some excellent points, Edxl.

Whether it's in advertisements, movies, shows, books, music, family, some friends, your romantic partner, or regular ass conversations with regular ass people.... It's a constant reminder that on the inside, you're on the fringes of acceptability in society. It's that little voice in your head you've had since your earliest memories, that tells you to lay low a little around certain people in certain conversations. Even when you're an adult and out of the closet about it.... you're still gonna meet people on a day to day basis who are not going to be understanding about any of this. So you're constantly on the edge either endlessly defending yourself against everyone you meet and being ok that many of them will simply break contact, or not showing certain people all sides of your character when the opportunity presents itself. Both of which chip away at you in their own little ways

Life gets a lot easier when you start to look at feedism as a fantasy kink, and look for emotionally compatible partners that are simply OK with you finding their fat bodies sexy, or vise versa

I mean, even without this kink, the number of people out of 1,000 that you'd wanna be in a relationship with is pretty low. Add to this mix a kink that only 12 or so people in an entire metropolitan area are into, and you're feelin like an alien most days
3 years