Fattening others

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

No you can not gain 20lbs in a week
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

The one time I went looking, the best info I could find on max absorption of calories per day was around twice your baseline needs. I'm sure there is a lot of error bar around that, but it seems like a reasonable rule of thumb.

You can pack a lot of extra food into your digestive system and even bloat up some with water retention, but it isn't long term fat. I've been up 10 pounds after a three day stuffing, but a few days later all but two of that had gone away again as my system cleared itself back out.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

I have gained five pounds in a couple of days. I think your age (I'm over 65) and metabolism obviously have a lot to do with gaining. One other point, if a person was a lot heavier and lost weight, it is very easy to re-gain that weight and then some. Just a thought.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

I've done as high as 10 in a week. So I guess it might be possible, but you'd spend the week painfully full.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

I've done as high as 10 in a week. So I guess it might be possible, but you'd spend the week painfully full.

I’ve never been really stuffed and pushed to my limit. Does it actually hurt to be feed to the extreme?
Enlighten me, please.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

What Edxl says is right. You could give yourself a hard time trying to cram down 10,000 cals in addition to your normal intake but I doubt much of it would stick and you would be on the toilet most of the time. Gaining is a long term thing. Maybe try doubling your daily intake and keep it up for a few weeks. There is no instant way to get fat.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

I've done as high as 10 in a week. So I guess it might be possible, but you'd spend the week painfully full.

I’ve never been really stuffed and pushed to my limit. Does it actually hurt to be feed to the extreme?
Enlighten me, please.

You shouldn't ever be feeling acute pain (stabs of pain, etc). More sort of an ache and quite a bit of discomfort, especially if you try to bend or move too quickly. You are also likely to find it hard to breathe deeply, which further discourages much movement. If you have really packed it in you are likely to just want to lie down for a while until the pressure subsides.

Although there are sort of two types of being stuffed. One is when your stomach is as full as it can be. Another is when you've been eating heavily for a day or more, and your whole digestive system is packed full. At that point you may not be able to fit as much in your stomach (there just isn't as much room for it to stretch out), but your overall abdomen is packed more full. My experience is that the stomach-full version can be a bit more painful, while the whole system full is more discomfort and lack of breath, but less pain per se.
3 years

Gain 20lbs in a week, is it actually possible?

The only times I did it was when I accidentally kissed my wife when she had an open cold sore. In three days I lost twenty pounds. In the week that followed, I gained it all back. And more. The second time was after my open heart surgery. I lost twenty two pounds. In the week after I gained twenty-five pounds. My doctor asked if my appetite had returned to normal? I said yes🙂
3 years